9. House of vampires and me the human

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Lessons went quick mostly because I fell asleep in them. School was nearly finished now and I just wanted to go somewhere where no one would find me but I didn't want run away but I did have to go see my dad and get my medicine and my I-pod of course. Not like he cares I'm gone just so he doesn't tell anyone I'm gone.


got up of my seat and told the teacher I had to go toilet I had my bag over my shoulder but she didn't notice so I walked out and headed for the way out of school I knew I could find my way home and soon enough I did Jason and all of them might be wondering where I am but I don't care. I am not one of those people who don't try to get out when they have been kidnapped.

I've made my way home now I looked at my clock school is over now great but at least I'm home I walked in my door which was wide open like usual.


Great dad is home I made my way to the stairs before he could see me I ran up the stairs but tripped up causing me to trip up blood started to run down my head I glanced down to see that I smashed my head across beer bottle's figured I got up realising my leg was in pain I glanced down to see Glass stuck in my leg. Shit. I limped upstairs and made my way to my room as I stepped in I saw Jason standing right there.

"Shit" I mumbled

"You know you can't run away as- What's that smell"

EWWW he can smell my blood he glanced down and widened his eyes that turned a red I slowly backed away as he came closer

"Sttay away from me"

He glanced at me and then looked confused "Claire I'm not going to hurt you"

"Yeah I've heard that before" He gave me question look then suddenly I was sitting on the end of the bed and he was holding up my leg I

started fight him off it didn't work out so good.

"Stay still" I stopped moving and looked at him he didn't seem to have red eye's anymore.

"Close your eyes"

"What? Why?"

With that he yanked the glass out of my leg causing me to scream in pain

"Sorry. Have you got an aid kit?"

"Yeah it's on my desk" Before I know it he is back with the aid kit.

"Some people keep it in the bathroom clumsy eh?"

"Yeah defiantly"

My leg felt a bit better than before.

"Come on let's go" What no way.

"NO WAY" I started to stand up but my leg started to sting so I fell but Jason caught me just in time.

"I'm thinking that you can't move hardly anywhere so we can move past the running away and come on to me bringing you back." He gave that devil smirk at me. Jerk.


That made his smile go wider then it was. As soon as I know it he is leading me to his car with his hand around my waist and my hand over his shoulder once we made it there he placed me in his car and went in a fast speed to the driver's seat. And drove back to his home.

House of vampires and me the humanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin