27. Christmas At The Black Manor

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Arthur was okay, thankfully. You couldn't bare the thought of losing him. He was like your father when your actual father was away and he did risk a lot for you and his family. Molly was now on her way to bring Arthur back to Grimmauld Place with Remus on her side.

In the meantime, the rest of you managed to spend some time with each other and decide what's next for Dumbledore's Army. This time, you decided to sit between Ron and Harry.

"What are you thinking of, Harry?" Ron asked.

"I'm trying to think of what I should teach the DA after we come back." Harry said in deep thought, his quill in one hand and his notebook full with scribbles and erased words and sentences on the other.

"How about—" You thought for a moment "Something that Remus has taught you in your 3rd year?"

"That's... oddly specific" Ron said from your right

"Do you have any better ideas Ronnie?"

"Not at the moment, but who knows? I might come up with the solution to even defeat You-Know-Who." Said Ron jokingly, earning him a punch on the arm by his sister, Ginny.

You rolled your eyes and turned to Harry "Has Remus taught you the Patronus charm?"

"Why would we even need that? There are more important spells than this one—"

"Are you forgetting what happened in August, chosen one?" You knew Harry hated that nickname.

"Ugh, you're right. I'll see what I can do."

"Harry, I'm always right." You chuckled.

Harry looked in the distance somewhere and turned back to you grinning. "Don't look now but—look now." You turned at the direction Harry was looking and that's when you saw— him

Fred was looking at you dreamingly, his hand on the side of his face leaning towards the table. George on his right kept talking, without noticing his brother's attention being elsewhere. You blushed and waved at him, earning a small and slow wave from him back. George stopped talking and smacked his brother on the head.

"What the hell, mate? Were you even listening or were you trying to shag (Y/n) in your head—" Now George was the one being smacked on the head by wide-eyed Fred. "OI!"

You all laughed and continued with your talk. Harry had left in order to put his quill and notebook back. That's when Molly had arrived with Arthur. Everyone had stood up and stayed in their seats, waiting for Arthur to officially be back.

"And here we go! Daddy's back!" Molly placed him on the head of the table; everyone was applauding Arthur. "C'mon, you can all sit now!"

"How are you feeling dad?" Said Ginny, afraid to touch her father in order not to hurt him or injure him even further.

"As good as new, I hope." Said Arthur jokingly, earning a small giggle from his wife who was grabbing the presents.

"Okay, first off, Fred and George!" She got two gifts with the same festive wrapping; red and green. "Oh uhm..." She swapped the gifts between her hands in front of Fred and George, in her mind debating who is who. She everntugave up and gifted them both a gift each that contained a handmade scarf by the one and only Molly, the twins switched them up afterwards.

Next was Ron, the prefect of the family, who was gifted a jumper from his mom. Ron looked at her lovingly before looking at Hermione. Ginny was also gifted a new jumper as well as Hermione, with their first name initial on them. The girls both thanked Molly.

"And last but not least, (Y/n) dear, here you go!" Molly handed you a purple jumper with your initial on it, something you've only gotten once when you were eight years old.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora