36. Reunited

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Warning: after the final three ( --- ), there is smut. If you don't want to read it, skip it and I'll see you next time.

A big thank you to my friend, Alex, who helped me with the smut portion of this chapter. ily my dude!


Since the Burrow was destroyed, Molly with the help of Arthur, George and Lee decided to restore it. In the meantime, you, Fred, Astrid and the babies decided to stay with Bill in Aunt Muriel's house by the beach. Using a Portkey, you five were teleported to there.

The house looked more like a hut you'd find in a far away forest. But the view, near the sea and the sand right outside your door made it homely and secure. Here you would be safe.

"Home sweet home." Said Fred, admiring the landscape.

"It's beautiful, Freddie." You linked your arm to his and he smiled at you.

"It feels like a dream, doesn't it?" Astrid said, carrying both her babies.

"You should see the inside then." Fred smiled and proceeded to guide you and Astrid to the front door. Despite living with the Weasleys all your life, you've never been to Aunt Muriel's before, so you were actually excited to finally see it.

The wooden front door opened, and a ginger haired man walked out, with scratches on his face. His blue eyes looked at you and his face smiled at you. Bill Weasley. One of the best people in the entire world.

"Billy!" You smiled and ran to his open arms. He hugged you and rubbed your back.

"It has been three months, (Y/n). You couldn't have possibly missed me this much." He joked.

"Oh, it is possible though." Said Fred.

"And our wonderful sister-in-law, Astrid." Bill smiled to Astrid, who awkwardly smiled back. She was not used to having that big of a family yet, and she sometimes had trouble telling who is who between Bill and Charlie.

"Hello to you too, Bill." She smiled.

"Please, all of you, come in." Bill stepped aside for all of you to get inside, helping you with your bags on the way in.

The inside was what you expected. Small wooden furniture and decor scattered around the house. Small iron chandeliers with burned out candles on top of them in the dining area and kitchen, with a wonderful view of the sea and the gloomy English weather.

From the corner of your eye, you saw a tall figure— almost as tall as Bill himself. The figure came out of the shadows, revealing platinum blonde locks of hair, blue eyes and ivory skin. The one and only French girl you've ever met, Fleur Delacour.

"Hello everyone." Said Fleur awkwardly, her strong French accent showing quite a lot. You smiled at her and she turned to look at you. "(Y/n)! How lovely to zee you!" She walked towards you and embraced you. You returned the embrace, taking a sniff from her perfume— she smelled like lavender fields.

"Fleur hi! I wasn't expecting to see you here!"

"I 'ave been living 'ere with Bill for almost two months." She gestured to a slightly blushed Bill, scratching the back of his head and talking with Astrid and Fred. " 'e asked me to live 'ere with 'im."

"Oh, interesting." You glanced at Bill "Surely he would have told me that."

"We 'aven't 'ad any owls coming 'ere since we've arrived, unfortunately." Fleur said

"Are you two..." You rubbed your intex fingers together ", together?"

"Uhm," Fleur looked at Bill, heart eyes forming on her face ", yes, actually! That is why we live 'ere together!" She said excitingly.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now