2. Wake up!

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As the morning sun cast a gentle glow through Ginny's window, you knew it was time to take on your self-appointed role of waking up the Weasley siblings for breakfast. Your first stop was Ginny's room, where you used a soft touch to rouse her from her slumber, reminding her of the peril of letting the boys devour all the morning food.

"Ginny, wake up, it's morning! You might wanna hurry if you don't want the boys to eat the entire breakfast," you urged with a mischievous grin. Her groan in response was met with your teasing about looking your best for Harry when you went to pick him up, which instantly motivated her to get moving.

Next on your list was Hermione's room, and fortunately, she was one of those rare morning people. After gently waking her, you exchanged the usual morning pleasantries.

"Morning, 'Mione," you greeted warmly.

"Good morning, (Y/n). How are you today?" Hermione yawned, looking just as lovely as ever in the soft morning light.

"I'm great, thanks! How about you?"

"I'm excited! Harry's finally coming, and I won't have to deal with Ronald all by myself," Hermione admitted with a smile, her face basking in the golden rays of the rising sun.

"I thought you had a bit of a crush on Ron," you playfully teased.

"I-I don't!" Hermione stammered, attempting to conceal her feelings unsuccessfully.

"Hermione Granger, you can't hide your emotions from me, no matter how hard you try. But don't worry, boys are usually quite oblivious. Ron won't notice," you reassured her with an understanding smile before continuing on your mission to wake up the boys.

You approached Bill's door next, knowing you shared a unique bond with him compared to the rest of the Weasleys. He greeted you with a warm smile.

"Good morning, (Y/n/n)!" Bill exclaimed.

"Good morning, Bill! Breakfast's ready," you informed him.

"Alright, I'll meet you downstairs shortly."

You then moved on to Percy's room, where you accidentally roused him with a knock to the forehead.

"Morning, (Y/n). What do you want?" Percy questioned with a cool demeanor.

"Breakfast is ready. So, instead of obsessing over your essay, why not head downstairs and eat?" you suggested playfully, accompanied by a warm smile.

"Tsk, fine. I'll be down in five minutes," Percy replied, closing the door without much enthusiasm.

Continuing on to Ron's room, you barged in without hesitation and startled him awake. He seemed more startled than annoyed, and the promise of breakfast lured him out of bed.

Finally, you reached the twins' room. George welcomed you with a beaming smile and a friendly side hug. Fred, who held a special place in your heart, was in the middle of getting dressed. You found yourself momentarily captivated by his presence, the sunlight enhancing his charm. George playfully covered your eyes, teasing you about your "inappropriate" gaze, leaving you feeling slightly flustered.

After a hasty exit and closing the door behind you, you continued to Charlie's room. Charlie was already awake, his back turned as he got dressed. This situation presented an opportunity for a bit of mischief. You approached him stealthily and pinched his sides, causing him to jump in surprise. Charlie's warning made you dart away, but before you could escape, strong hands grabbed your waist.

Thinking it was Charlie, you braced yourself for his retaliation. However, to your astonishment, it was Fred who had caught you. Fred placed a hand over your mouth to stifle any outbursts, cautioning you about Charlie's previous revenge involving a pond incident. As Charlie's footsteps faded away, Fred released his grip.

"Thanks, I guess?" you mumbled, still somewhat flustered.

"You guess? I just saved you from imminent danger. You better be thankful because next time, I might not be there to rescue you and that pretty face of yours," Fred teased, clearly enjoying your discomfiture.

"Whatever, Fredrick," you retorted, determined not to give him the satisfaction.

Fred responded by casually draping his arm over your shoulders as you both made your way downstairs to the kitchen. You hoped that by sticking together, you might avoid Charles Weasley's potential wrath and enjoy a peaceful breakfast together.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now