39. The Seven Potters

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Two days before the wedding could start, you and the rest of the members of the Order had to tranfer Harry safely from Privet Drive-where he grew up- to the Burrow. It seemed like a hard task but it somewhat excited you. It was your first ever Order mission after all!

You and Tonks were chatting in your bedroom about the upcoming mission and the upcoming wedding- you were just so excited to see Bill and Fleur finally tying the knot.

"You know, I know this is a dangerous mission but I'm quite excited for it." You admitted to Tonks.

"I would be as well in your place, but with this little one," she rubbed her belly ", it's a bit scary."

"Wait, Tonks-" your eyes widened "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!"

Tonks nodded happily. You hugged her tightly. "Congratulations!" You took a step back from her "It's Remus's right?"

"Who else would it be, (Y/n/n)? Are you joking?" You both laughed.

A sudden knock was heard on the door. "Come in!" You said smiling, the effect of yours and Tonks' talk had in you.

The door opened revealing Fred in his casual clothes but his face a bit...down? That concerned you a lot. Fred was never this serious.

"Freddie? What's wrong?" You asked and he took a step inside the room, the wooden floor beneath him creaking slightly.

"Tonks, can you leave us for a moment?" Fred said in a low voice. Tonks nodded and stood up, giving you a small smile of encouragement before she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"What is it?" You asked again.

"(Y/n), look," Oh no. "Tomorrow is the mission, right?" You nodded lightly. "I don't want you to come."

You laughed, "Nice joke, Fred."

"I'm not kidding." Fred said sternly "I talked with Lupin about this earlier and he agrees with me. It's better you should stay back with mum and Ginny and Astrid-"

You stood up, "Absolutely not!"

"(Y/n), please. I'm doing this to protect you-"

"Hell no you aren't! And what if something goes wrong and I won't be able to know if you're okay or not?" You said, looking Fred dead in the eye.

"I'll be fine." Said Fred "What if something happens to you and I won't be able to protect you?"

"You really think I can't protect myself? Is that the kind of person you think I am?" You said, your voice increasing by every word.

"I didn't say that-" said Fred cowardly.

"You meant it though!" You said, "I can't believe you, Fred. That you'd think like this." You took a step back, and looking down. "You're letting literal children like Hermione and Ron to go and you're not letting me? Hell, even Tonks is going and she's pregnant!" You said, absolutely disappointed.

"Hermione and Ron are friends of Harry's and Tonks isn't my responsibility, she is your uncle's and it's her choice-"

"I am NO ONE'S responsibility Fred!" You said louder than ever. The whole house could probably hear you. "It is my choice to go, not yours!"

"Please. Understand the situation we're in." Said Fred, also looking down. He meant good but it hurt you in a way.

"Fine." Fred looked up and his eyes widened. "I won't go." You went into the closet and grabbed a spare pillow and a blanket. "But I don't want you to talk to me at all for now."

Fred didn't say anything. Guilt had risen on his face and his heart was breaking.

"Good luck, Freddie." You said before closing the door behind you, tears threatening to leave your face.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now