32. The Morning After

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"How much time do you think it will take her to wake up?" Asked Tonks from your left, looking down at your unconscious body. You were in one of the bedrooms back at the Burrow.

"As long as she needs to recover—" Said Remus, standing by her side, his arms crossed.

"But we don't know how long that will be!" Said Fred angrily, sitting in a chair beside your bed.

"Yeah! That could take ages! And she's already been asleep for two days!" Continued George.

"Oh, won't you two hush up?" Molly rushed in the room carrying a bucket of warm water and two towels; one to put on your forehead and the other one for some wounds and scratches as well as a cream for those wounds and  scratches. Molly was known to use magic for more things for convenience and to save up time —since she had seven children of her own and you to take care of—, but for small injures like these, she'd prefer to do it the Muggle way.

"How is she doing, mum?" Asked Fred again, holding your hand and looking at you, desperately for you to wake up and see those pretty eyes looking at them. He missed your voice, your laugh, your smile. He missed you a lot, even if it had been just a month when he and George left Hogwarts.

"She's definitely better," Molly placed the damp towel on your forehead gently, and with her free hand, she caressed your head "Her pulse is at its normal pace at last. It was much faster earlier."

You started to open your eyes, the sudden rays of sunlight that burst into the room from the window blinded you and made your head ache more than before. Everyone's eyes shot up and looked at you wide-eyed, you had finally woken up.

"George, you own me 5 galleons." Said Fred, smiling like an idiot and squeezing your hand.

"Shut up." Murmured George.

You went to stand up, but Molly grabbed your shoulders and pushed you lightly down. "Oh dear, don't stand up yet! I need to grab some," Molly looked around for some supplies "—ugh where did I put them?— for your stitches—well, I'm glad you're back dear." She stood up and went to other room to look for them.

Remus finally got some space to be near you, "How are you feeling?" He sat beside you on the bed, his kind eyes making you feel safer than ever.

And Tonks came to give some more moral support. "Hey, little one." She said with her soft and slightly raspy voice.

"How long have I been out?" You rubbed your temples together, trying to adjust to the light.

"Two days." Said Remus while searching his jean pocket. He pulled out a small piece of chocolate and handed it to you. Classic Remus you thought and accepted the piece. "We've all been worried...especially those two." He pointed at the twins, who just stood and smiled. "Harry, Ron and Ginny had also sent some get-well letters."

"That's nice, thank you." You smiled but that smile faded quickly "Where’s dad?" Everyone looked at each other and didn't want to say anything. "Remus?" He looked at you "Where's dad?"

He took a deep breath and scratched his forehead "Sirius—your father—he, uhm," he took another deep breath "The moment you stood in front of him and Lestrange shoot that spell your way, a ball of light protected you and him for getting hit by that curse. But it also knocked Sirius inside the veil—" Your heart stopped, your jaw opened slightly and tears started threatening their way out of your eyes. You stood up.

"No! He's still alive. He's just...he's stuck there I'm sure!" Your voice started breaking and tears started coming down from your eyes to your cheeks and ended at your bed sheet.

"Please, (Y/n), you must understand that nobody has come out of the veil alive—" said Tonks, trying to calm you down.

"NO! You want to make me believe that the only family I've ever had, is dead?!" You wiped your tears with the back of your hand.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now