33. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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"Are we there yet?" You giggled, walking in blindly in Diagon Alley. Fred's hands covering your eyes in order to not spoil the surprise.

"Almost." Said Fred, smiling. The twins had been bugging you to finally show you the shop and after mourning, it was time.

"We've arrived." George was carrying your suitcases.

"You ready?" Fred said and you nodded. He took his hands from your eyes and placed them slowly on your shoulders.

The shop was big and colourful, placed in the corner of one of the busiest streets in Diagon Alley. You could even see products and boxes of them from the outside but what really fascinates everyone is the big Weasley statue, tipping his top hat to the people walking by and inside that hat was a white rabbit; something muggle "wizards" used to do. Fred had told you the statue was him but it definitely had George's face.

You opened the door and walked in. Inside there was faint scent of fireworks and a smell of freshly new products. The boys had managed to categorize each self with a different product; fainting fansies, puking pastels, Peruvian instant darkness powder and love potions- hold up, love potions?

You turned to face the twins "Why is there a self with the name "Love Potions?""

"You see, dearest (Y/n)," said Fred "these really do work-"

"-And they certainly aren't Amortentia, it's a different formula with rose petals and-" continued George.

"Yeah but why do you even have it?"

"For business of course!" Fred chuckled, "How many desperate people do you think would like to buy one of these for their potential partners?"

"Not to mention," Said George "They're really good for Valentine's Day. It'll bring people coming non-stop."

"That's actually...a really good point." You smiled and crossed your arms, "I'm impressed!"

"We know!" Said both of them in unison

"And you thought all of this without me!? I'm proud of you." You giggled and the twins rolled their eyes at you. "But all of these need some displays-come here you two!"

It had been hours of brainstorming and organising those displays. You all had moved upstairs to the twins' apartment. They had shown you around their little place who will now become your new home.

"I'm tired!" George got up from his seat and walked towards his bedroom "Goodnight you two-and no funny business, we have to wake up early to prepare the shop and bring Astrid here."

"Goodnight Georgie!" You and Fred said to George. His bedroom door closed. Fred turned to you.


"You heard George. No funny business." You smirked, grabbing another piece of pizza from earlier.

"I want to take you somewhere."

"Right now?" Your mouth full with pizza, barely getting a word straight out of your mouth. "But it's-" you checked the clock behind you "it's 1am."

"The best time to take you there then." Fred stood up and held his hand out for you to take. "Will you join me, Ms. Black?"

You quickly wiped your hands and the side of your mouth and nodded. You took his hand; something you noticed was that his hand had become rougher, possibly from all the lifting and moving things from place to place, even if you could just use a wand. He led you outside of the apartment and to your right, there was a staircase you hadn't noticed before leading straight up.

You followed Fred upstairs and that staircase turned out to reveal the roof top, above the shop and above the apartment. It was plain, but what was captivating was the view. The entire Diagon Alley. It looked so small compare to how big it is. Some people were walking by, some tired after their jobs and going back home to their wives and children or pets, some going out with friends to the clubs or for a walk on their own. It was late so most shops were closed either way.

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now