Shocking News!!!!!

465 20 10

A/N: herRo :)

sorry for any grammar or character mistakes 



"I'd think it best if Lucy were to carry her."

I whipped around to Erza wide eyed. "Eh?!?!?! Me?"

She nodded and turned, heading back while everyone followed after her. I looked back at Gaara and Quyen. Gaara stood up and looked at me, I took that as my que to pick Quyen up gently and walk behind then. I felt eyes on me every step of the way.


*Gaara's P.O.V. (against this shall be short, very very very short)

I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest as I stared at Quyen. But as I looked at her, I felt a pair of eyes stare back at me. I silently lifted my head, my eyes hardening as I looked over to the pink haired idiot. We glared at each other for awhile before I saw a sign of movement and the noise of fabric rubbing against each other.

I turned my head and looked towards Quyen again, my eyes softening as I did.  

*Natsu's P.O.V.

Bastard. He's a bastard, I'm sure of it. How can Quyen hang out with a guy like him? Last time they were alone didn't he try to kill her? Suffocate her? If I hadn't..if I hadn't barged in and stopped him....

I shook my head and cleared my thoughts, choosing instead to clear my head and just glare at him. He looked up at me and I swear my blood was boiling. What does she see in him?!

We glared at each other before I heard a shuffling sound and from the corner of my eyes I saw Quyen turning in her sleep. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, I fought the erge to stand up and hold her in my arms. I glanced at the red headed bastard and and noticed he didn't even budge.

I sat back but still looked at Quyen.

*Quyen's P.O.V.

I sat up and a sharp pain pierced my side, crawling ans spiraling my back and up my spine. I shook it off with some effort and rubbed my eyes, blinking I adjusted my sight to see sterile white walls and while blankets. I scanned the area and found to visitors. I swallowed my collecting saliva but my throat remained dried. I started at the both of them, my head turning from side to side. I was only able to speak two measly words in my hoarse voice, "Natsu, Gaara."

"Quyen." Gaara nodded and straightened up, pushing off from the wall. My head turned to look at him but from the corner of my eyes I could see Natsu also stand up from his seat. I clenched my teeth as they looked to each other disdainfully. I could just feel the tension.

I lifted the blankets off me and swung my legs off to the left so they were dangling off the edge. I hoped down and immediately my knees felt like jelly as I lost my footing. I closed my eyes as I felt the wind blow my hair in my face, but reopened them after I felt something wrap underneath my knees and craddle my back (if that made sense?).

I blinked again and looked up to see Natsu. He knitted his eyebrow, giving me a worried look. "You should rest and stay in bed." He set me back down on the bed and I nodded but sighed.

"How are you feeling?" I turned my attention away from Natsu and looked towards Gaara, his voice was flat and didn't really have any emotion but his face displayed genuine curiosity..and what seemed like worry.

"I-I'm fine." I gasped and winced as I sat back, it felt like a I got pierced in my gut all over again. I stared at the wall as it seemed to be the less awkward thing for me to look at.

The door creaked open and I let my head turn in it's direction. It was Erza. Our eyes made contact and she smiled a little as she noticed I was awake. But it was only for a brief few seconds as she looked over to Natsu resulting in the disapearance of that small smile. Instead she gav him her nonchalant but stern stare.

"Natsu, you need to go back and pack. Your things are all over the place."

Natsu slumped and stole a glance at me before hurry out the door for fear of Erza's wrath.

I watched his back sadly as he left. I then turned to Erza as he stepped aside and glanced at Gaara with a look of unease. She sat at the edge if my bed and gave me a soft small smile, her eyes becoming softer as she did. "Quyen..." She trailed off and looked say from me.

I tried my best to return her smile, but it took great effort. I wasn't really used to this for some reason and anxiety washed over me. My mind imagined scenarios of what Erza was going to say to me and I gulped as I reached the possibility of me dying.

Yes, that does seem a bit dramatic but I'm an emotional person with an imaginative mind. I also did feel immensely weak. I gulped and waited before realizing I should respond. I parted my dry lips, "yes?"

"We're leaving."


"We're leaving. In an hour, back to the guild." I gaped slightly in shock, I knew this was coming since we only came here for a mission...but, I never expected I'd want to stay here. My lip trembled and I bit down on it to stop it, from the corner of my eyes I see Gaara.

I it was unclear from my angle to see how he was feeling, but I didn't dare look at him full on. I wouldn't know what would happen then. I looked down asmy thumbs did a little dance. I sighed, "A hour huh? I don't think I can realllllly walk in the time." I tried to make time.

"That's never been a problem, you've always ridden on a cloud if you didn't want to walk." I slouched even more which made the pain even more worse. Her tone didn't seem to let up or imply that we had to leave in an hour. I tried to think of more excuses, "Oh, but i didn't pack!"

"Lucy volunteered to do it for you."

"Are they going to let me out of the hospital?"

"I"m sure if I'd talk to them they would allow it."

"Right....." I sighed defeated. "May I have some time alone with Gaara please?" I told her in a hushed tone. I'm sure he heard though.


i wanted to upload 


it's coming to an end.....

Attack of the Dark Nekos!!! What?!?!(Naruto/FairyTailFanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang