Chapter 19: Extra Visitors

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(Me these past chapters: Y/n x hospital beds! Move aside Midoriya, you got competition.... Also sorry I've been gone these past few months, school has been taking up all my time so I could only write a few sentences per week ( ;'Д`) thanks for waiting and super sorry about the delay!)

Now, you had been waiting, very patiently at that, but...boredom reared it's nasty little head again. Before you knew it, you had taken out your journal again.

Currently, your attention was focused on its pages as you scribbled down words in a frenzy.

"Um...right, who else gets hurt or dies during that arc...?"

You tapped the desk for a moment before quickly scribbling down the name that came to mind. Should you be concerned that it took less than a second to think of an answer?

Nah, that's the least of your worries.

"Holy shit...Horikoshi lowkey went on a killing spree with these arcs...I never realized how many characters died, major or not...."

You murmured, staring at the list you had made. It was longer than you had thought, and you were sure there were still more people to add.

The worst part is that you couldn't even write down all the people you knew would die or get badly injured because their names weren't even mentioned. The only thing you remembered was that they either turned into Nomus or were Pro Heroes killed/injured during arcs. You weren't sure why you had even started writing this list in the first place, but you felt like you should.

It was strange, but staring at the names, especially the ones from the more recent arcs, had solidified the guilt you had. Your knowledge of the storyline could prevent some of these deaths-wait.

Why were you so certain you could stop these deaths?

Okay, quick change in mindset. You knew these people would die, but you had the knowledge that could give them a heads up.

You weren't sure how to feel. This could be either good news or bad news depending on who you told.

'Ugh, I just had to go down that rabbit hole. I don't think I should say anything, not this early on...but the Hero Killer Arc!!! How can I indirectly tell others then? It would seem weird a quirkless person would have something similar to seeing the future...'

'Wait-! Should I just pretend that knowing the future is my quirk? If things change, I can say because there are multiple outcomes! Like how Sir Nighteye's visions can be changed due to certain quirks and their interference!!

'Yeah, okay, then when Nemuri and Chiyo arrive, I can act like I've just experienced a vision! Is that technically lying though? Well...yeah, it is, but... I'll come clean when it goes too far!

'I'll have to.'

You scratched your head in frustration. Could you really keep up the whole quirk ruse?

Izuku had once said that using a quirk was like an extension of his body when he got One-For-All. Knowledge was an extension of your brain which was a part of your body.

You looked back at the list of names.

Sure, this could work.

You could kill two birds with one stone too! With a way to tell others about their future, you could both figure out why you were here and possibly help those you knew would get hurt. You only hoped was that your interference didn't change things to the extent that your knowledge would become useless.

With your mind made up, you closed your journal and put it away, nice and snug in its hidden corner. Hopefully, you wouldn't use it for a while. Maybe you should burn it when you leave the hospital.

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