Chapter 6: Realization

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Warning: This chapter contains ideas and content that may be triggering. If you are uncomfortable with mentions of riots/bullying, please know that there will be mentions of it, unfortunately.

"Nemuri, would you happen to know about Gen Z?" You asked, looking excited.

"I..." Midnight gaped at you in shock, obviously not expecting that question. After a second, her face morphed into an expression of confusion.

"Gen Z..." She tapped her chin as she thought it over before nodding in understanding.

"Let's sit down to talk about it." She smiled and gestured for you to follow her as she began walking into the living room. You grabbed the computer and sat down next to her on the sofa.

"So, I'm assuming this 'Gen Z' has something to do with your world, Y/n?" She asked, turning to look at you as she reclined against the sofa.

"Yes! In my world that's what my generation of people are called! We range from around the 1990s to 2010. Of course, my world's newest generation is starting as well. They're called Generation Alpha."

"I was curious since your world is an alternate universe. The events that happened here might be similar or different from what happened in my world!" You replied, bouncing up and down excitedly.

What you learned here would change your idea of the BNHA world!

(Okay, so everything from here on, is MADE UP or mixed with facts from the actual show/manga. I went a little crazy during creative mode but most of this was inspired by the facts I read on the fandom wikipedia, which is a nice and rather reliable source.)

Midnight wore a warm smile as she listened to you babble about your world. After you finished rambling, she spoke, saying, "Well, this world's time periods are separated into Ages instead of generations due to the sudden appearance of quirks."

You nodded eagerly, hanging on to every word she was saying.

"You see, quirks were actually 'discovered' about sixty or seventy years ago." She did air quotes as she said that.

Continuing, she said, "A glowing child was discovered in Qing Qing, a city in China, and soon after the news made the headlines, other people came forward with newfound abilities. At first, these abilities were classified as Meta Abilities which means a special superhuman ability that one person has."

"However, as more and more people with abilities appeared, the government decided to call them quirks. Pretty fitting, huh? There are so many kinds of abilities out there and each person has a unique one which makes it their own little quirk, thus the name! It's like a finger print, you're the only one with that specific print and no one else shares it with you."

To add to the effect, she did jazz hands with a silly grin. Putting her hands down, she readjusted her glasses and resumed her lecture.

"Now, most people say quirks were actually discovered around the late 80s, but historians speculate that quirks have actually been around longer than that. In fact, after close inspection of records from the time before quirks were known to the public, historians believe that many of the famous events in history were causes of quirks and many famous figures in history most likely had quirks themselves."

You let out a gasp. You had didn't even think about this possibility! But, that did explain how All For One was around for over a century. Not to mention, since this was an alternate universe, the facts would be different. Midnight nodded at your gasp, understanding the shock. She began elaborating on what she meant.

"Working off of this belief, that means quirks have actually been around for over a few centuries and it's believed the only reason it wasn't brought to light sooner was because the people who had quirks were viewed as freaks of society and then either killed or banished from their homes."

Moon (BNHA x Quirkless Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon