Chapter 2: Welcome

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After getting hoisted onto what felt like a stretcher, you passed out.

When you came back into consciousness, it looked like you were being carried through a hallway?

Your vision was too blurry to see properly, but you could make out a corridor and some faint outlines of people. They were standing around, whispering to each other as they stared at your limp form.

The footsteps of the people who were carrying you made the stretcher bounce and shake, causing the now present pain in your right side to become more prominent.

Letting out a weak groan, you tried to turn onto the less painful side.

Your groan alerted the people carrying you that you were awake, since a panicked voice said, "Guys! She's awake and we're not at Recovery Girl's office yet! What do we do? Should I knock her out?"

"Shut up Deku! We're almost there so quit your damn yapping!" A louder, angrier voice snapped in response.

"Bakugou! He simply asked a question, calm down!" A stern, exasperated voice scolded.

An elderly voice joined in saying, "Don't worry sonny, I'll take care of it."

"Okay, Recovery Girl!" The voice that had been called Deku shouted in response, ignoring the other two previous voices.

Your ears were ringing so you only heard "Should I knock her out?"

That wasn't enough information for you to figure out what was going on, but you assumed the people were taking you somewhere to be treated.

You laid there with your eyes closed, waiting for the ringing to subside. After a few seconds, you could hear properly. Opening your eyes fully, you lifted your head, craning your neck to glare in the direction of the voice that asked if they should knock you out.

Seeing a blob of green in front of you instead of a person, you blinked a few times. You squinted at the blob, but sadly your eyesight was too messed up to see anything besides the color of their hair and vague shape of the person.

The green blob seemed to be looking at you, probably debating whether to actually knock you out or not.

"Great idea genius, knock out the girl on the stretcher." You said to the green blob sarcastically.

Despite sounding like you ate sand, your voice was still loud enough for the other guys carrying the stretcher to hear, because the sound of snorting was heard as another rather manly voice said, "Damn Midoriya, you alright? That was harsh."

You turned your head away from the broccoli-blob and tried to focus on the other voice. A spiky red maple leaf looking blob greeted your eyes this time. Squinting yet again, you tried to get a better look at the talking maple leaf.

'What in the actual heck. Is that a maple leaf talking? And was that broccoli? I thought I was in BNHA, not Veggie Tales...'  Your thoughts were chaotically jumbled and you were completely out of it, still trying to process the events from before.

The green blob who you decided to call broccoli, turned bright red and started stuttering frantically, "S-Sorry! I didn't mean it like that, I just- uh- well-" The broccoli continued to try to explain himself, fumbling for the right words.

You guessed broccoli was a guy from his voice, which was a challenge since his voice got all high pitched and squeaky.

You laid your head back onto the stretcher, trying to process what the maple leaf and broccoli said. The guys could swear they saw the buffering sign over your head as you spaced out for a few seconds.

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