Chapter 14: Adoption

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(Warning and Disclaimer: I have never used a ventilator so I do apologize if I'm spreading incorrect information. I did a fair amount of research while writing this chapter so I hope everything is accurate, and makes sense! Also, please beware there are mentions of suffocation in this chapter so if you are uncomfortable, please do not proceed for your own sake.)

"...she stable?"

What was that? Did someone say something?

"Yes, she's been stabilized and transferred to a non-invasive ventilator to provide oxygen for her in case her body rejects it again. She seems to be fine otherwise, my only concern is why she suddenly stopped breathing, or rather, why her body stopped circulating oxygen. Perhaps her body realizes she isn't from here and tried to reject the foreign air, however this is the second time it's happened and I'm quite worried this will become a recurring problem."

"Oh my, that's quite worrisome. I'll have to look into that. Until we figure out the trigger for the sudden rejection, I'll see if we can make a device that regulates this or some other alternative."

You laid on the soft, fluffy... pillow? Those voices sounded like Recovery Girl and Principal Nezu. Judging from what they had said, you had once again, been on the brink of dying. 

Seriously, how many times was this going to happen?!

As you became aware of your surroundings, you realized that something was covering your mouth. Air was being pumped through some sort of tube and into the open area of the mouth mask for you to breathe, you assumed. You had to admit it was a strange feeling. 

Slowly opening an eye, you were pleasantly surprised to see the room you were in wasn't very bright. The room was a lot larger than Recovery Girl's office so you must be in a hospital of some sort.

There weren't any fluorescent lights like you'd usually see in hospitals though, and the only source of light was coming from a rather large, two paneled window with thin, white curtains that allowed rays of golden sunlight into the room. The gentle light made the room feel warm and pleasant.

You shifted, letting out a quiet grunt when you moved. Your lungs felt like they had been compressed and for some reason, breathing was slightly painful. You heard noises of surprise and you finally noticed the three people sitting near your bedside.

"H-hello..." You croaked with a shaky and hoarse voice while giving Recovery Girl, Principal Nezu, and Midnight an exhausted grin. Recovery Girl immediately rushed over to check your monitors as she beamed with a relieved smile. Midnight looked like she was about to burst into tears and even Nezu had a genuine relieved smile, his eyes twinkling in an eased manner.

"Oh... Chiyo, could I... maybe take off the... mask?" You wheezed as you spoke, still getting used to the weird sensation in your lungs. Your throat also felt rather dry. 

Recovery Girl frowned with a worried look saying, "Well, depends on how you're feeling. Are you feeling any major pain or discomfort anywhere?" 

After you shook your head, Recovery Girl nodded, though a bit reluctantly and removed the ventilation mask. Thanking her, you noticed a bottle of water by your bedside.

Reaching for it with shaky, noodley arms, you were surprised when Midnight grabbed the bottle. Twisting it open with a satisfying pop, she then handed it to you with a small smile which you returned with a grateful nod. Taking small sips from the bottle, you relished the feeling of the cool, gentle water soothing your parched throat. 

The room was quiet, filled with only an air of relief that you had woken up though you weren't quite sure why. Maybe this had to do with you waking up in an actual hospital instead of Recovery Girl's office like you had, the last few times you passed out. 

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