Chapter 13: Vision

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There was a sudden decrease in temperature.

You knew the reason why though. This was bound to be an interesting match.

Snapping your eyes to the screens, you saw Todoroki, Bakugou, and the Hero team had encountered each other. Currently, it looked like the teams had accidentally crossed each other and Todoroki had immediately reacted, sending a trail of ice towards the opposing team's feet, freezing them in place.

Bakugou scowled and shouted something at Todoroki, probably mad he didn't get to do anything. Todoroki's expression remained blank as he said something in return while he pulled out the capture tape that All Might had passed out earlier.

You cringed finally getting a good look at his costume. 'Ugh, I forgot he's still in his ice costume era. That costume is not a look, sorry honey. You be looking like a popsicle gone wrong. And oh god, did you steal that red eye part from Eggman? I'm pretty sure I saw Jim Carrey wearing those in Sonic.' 

(No hate to Jim Carrey bc that man is a KING, but search up "Jim Carrey Eggman" and you'll see what I mean)

Dark Shadow tried to attack Todoroki but a quick ice blast had him stuck to the wall. You could tell the Hero team was distressed as Ashido threw acid towards the ice, obviously an attempt to melt it. You had never thought about how Ashido's acid would fare against ice in general but Todoroki sent a blast that froze her whole body, rendering her efforts useless.

Was this it?

Todoroki wrapped the capture tape around Tokoyami and Dark Shadow making their heads hang in defeat while Uraraka continued to struggle against the ice as Todoroki approached her. The ice around Ashido began melting but Todoroki didn't even give her another glance before freezing her yet again.

Bakugou started saying something and he too pulled a roll of capture tape and wrapped it around Ashido's ice cocoon finalizing the win. All Might pressed a buzzer and spoke into the speaker, saying, "The Villain Teams wins for capturing the Hero Team!"

Gaping in shock, you couldn't believe your eyes. It had happened in a instant, probably less than 5 minutes! There was hardly any actual fighting but the reaction time was incredible! 

You glanced at Midoriya who stared at the screen, deep in thought, probably thinking over what had just happened.

The room was still pretty cold but you noticed Todoroki had already begun melting the ice. It still amazed you at how good the control and precision of his ice and now his heat was. Sure he was one of the best in class, but that was insane and it definitely didn't make you feel anymore confident no matter how much you wanted to believe in yourself.

On another screen, you could see the shocked looks on Ojiro, Yaoyorozu, and Kirishima's faces. They had been making some kind of room/hiding place but it was obviously not needed since the match had ended so quickly. They all exchanged disbelieving looks before walking towards the building's exit.

Tokoyami, Ashido, and Uraraka chatted as they left the building, and it looked like they were encouraging each other not to feel bad about their loss. Bakugou and Todoroki were also leaving the building and you quickly caught a glimpse of their faces. Bakugou had a grumpy look almost like he was pouting while Todoroki had a blank cold look which was easy to see despite half of his face being covered.

You turned to chat with Midoriya and a few others about what you had all just watched while you waited for the teams to return to the main room for assessment.

Midoriya began to get into an analysis and you sat in your chair nodding.

"It seems that they had been scouting each other out which is why Kacchan was being so quiet. He wanted the element of surprise since if his explosions were heard, that would give the teams time to ready themselves. When they finally encountered each other, Todoroki sent a controlled attack of ice that focused on freezing them in place. I'm not sure why he didn't just freeze their whole bodies but it was definitely similar to what he did back during our battle trial with All Might, before the USJ attack."

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