Chapter 12: Capabilities

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The door slid open with a loud BAM!

There, at the doorway with his iconic smile was, All Might! He hurried into the room, and you noticed his smile more of an embarrassed one than his usually proud ones.

Scratching his cheek, All Might pulled a stack of papers and quickly cleared his throat. Tapping the stack of papers on the desk/podium thing in the front of the class, he finally spoke. 

"Apologies for my late arrival, students! I was experiencing an issue during break time." Just as he said that, his stomach let out a quiet gurgle. He coughed, ears flushing a pale pink as he averted his eyes to the papers he was holding. 

'Oh, he really did take a dump. Hope it wasn't too bad, that must be uncomfortable.'  You nodded slightly in sympathy. Upset stomachs were the worst and it must suck to have them during school hours.

The class was silent, everyone staring at All Might expectantly as he shuffled through the sheets of papers he had in his hands. Finally finding the paper he had been looking for, he pulled it out and set it on the desk. Then, after clearing his throat, he said, 

"For today's lesson, we are going to do Rescue Training!"

"EHH?!" Shouts of disbelief and surprise filled the class as practically everyone's eyes widened.

"That's right! It has come to my attention that although we were scheduled to do this at the USJ, we weren't able to due to that villain attack. Despite this, it is still important for us to train future heroes. Not to worry, this class will be on campus and with our extra security, today's class should go without a hitch! Now, give me a Plus Ultra!" Smiling widely, All Might posed and lifted his hand into a peace sign.

The class seemed to recover from their shock and one by one, everyone made a peace sign. All Might smiled before saying, "PLUS ULTRA!!" which everyone joined in on, some louder than others but all with the same proud spirit. 

You had hesitantly put up a peace sign, not sure if you qualified for this since you had not been at the USJ arc nor had you done anything that was really Plus Ultra worthy. You notice Uraraka glance at you. Making full eye contact, she sent you a bright smile before boosting her peace sign high above her head enthusiastically while mouthing, "You too Y/n."

You smiled back at her. 

Feeling more sure of yourself, you also raised your peace sign up and happily said, "Plus Ultra!" with everyone else. Lowering your hand as the class settled down, you clenched the hem of your skirt and promising to give this class your all. 

This was one of the first steps to becoming a hero just like you had always fantasized of. There must be a reason you came here, and since you had no idea if there was a time limit, you might as well make the most of things while it lasted. 

All Might cleared his throat, silencing the bustling, excitement-filled classroom. He looked at the stack of papers again before speaking again. You let out a quiet giggle. He had a script! You forgot that All Might used a script to teach, and  it was surprisingly adorable to get to see this side of the usually tough, perfect image he was so set on showing. 

"Now, I know it's exciting but first, I must review a few things. I'm going to teach you why Rescue Heroes and Rescue Training is just as important as fighting villains. Rescuing others is a very crucial thing in a fight! The citizens that are in danger should be protected or rescued and it's a hero's duty to keep them safe..."

You sat up, listening intently to his lecture. It really was something else to get taught by All Might. He may have been portrayed as a goofy, yet serious man in the anime and manga, but in person you could feel the power he had. Plus, his lecture was full of insight that didn't belittle or demean others. His years of hero experience definitely meant he saw plenty of things as a hero and the lecture he provided was sharing the things he had learned during such experiences.

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