Chapter 5: Class

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(Seating chart above. Read the rows ➡️ way. Don't worry, I got you guys 👌)

After Aizawa briefly introduced and told you to come in, you reached for the door to open it.

Well, more like you tried to open the door.

You stared at the sliding door blankly, trying to figure out how to open it. Unfortunately, you had forgotten that one of your hands was occupied with the crutch and the other was wrapped in a cast. You only remembered once you tried to reach for the door with your wrapped arm which surprise, surprise, didn't move.

"Oh, uh I might need some help, sir." You chuckled sheepishly, trying to cover up your embarrassment. The whole class had been staring at the door like you were going to dramatically slam it open and waltz in, so imagine their surprise when they heard you ask for help to open a door of all things.

Sighing, Aizawa slid the door open. It was a funny sight to see. The mummy of a man opening the door for you with no problem, while you almost lost your balance just from standing still.

The class peered curiously at the doorway, trying to see who the mysterious new student was. They began murmuring and whispering louder once they saw your bandaged form leaning heavily on the crutch.

'Oof, I totally forgot that everyone knows about my accident. Man, did I just hear someone call me Vomit Girl? Rude. Whatever, I'm going to charm the pants off of 1-A with my lovely smile and meme references.' You thought, entering the room and quietly thanking Aizawa. Then, you turned to face the class.

The classroom quieted down as you made you way to the center, right in front of the chalkboard. The class listened, expecting an introduction but to their shock, you instead said, "Hi, welcome to Chili's." with the straightest face possible.

Then your face broke out into a playful smile and you said, "Just kidding! Hi, I'm Y/n L/n, but you guys can just call me Y/n. I'll be shadowing your class for a bit. Thank you for having me and nice to meet you guys." You bowed to them, before straightening and looking at Aizawa.

Some of your classmates broke into giggles at your silly introduction and others just smiled back at you. The unlucky few who didn't understand your reference simply tilted their heads in confusion.

"Your seat is in the back. Unfortunately, right now it's just the chair, but tomorrow we'll have a desk for you." Aizawa tilted his head at the foldable chair in the very back corner behind Yayaorozu and Todoroki's seats.

"Thank you sir." You said, smiling gratefully.

"Mr. Aizawa is fine." He replied shortly, as he turned to grab the materials for today's lesson. You carefully walked towards your seat also trying to avoid landing your crutch onto someone's foot.

The class watched, speechless at what was happening. Halfway down the row, you almost fell onto Sero when you landed your crutch wrong. Thankfully he had quick reflexes, grabbing your good arm and shoulder to steady you.

"You okay?" He asked, kind enough to worry about you despite having just met. Nodding and muttering a thanks, you sent him a grateful smile as you continued hobbling down the aisle.

Todoroki was staring at you, recognizing you as the girl who had asked him for directions in the cafeteria.

He hadn't been expecting to see you here, but he reminded himself that it didn't matter since he wasn't at UA to make friends. Making eye contact, you gave him a small smile obviously not remembering the cafeteria event and moved to sit down, exchanging smiles with Yayaorozu in the process.

The rest of the class observed as you settled into the chair before turning to look at Aizawa when he cleared his throat and began the lesson.

You sat up, eagerly listening to his lecture about what kinds of heroes there were and what each specialized in.

Moon (BNHA x Quirkless Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora