Chapter 10: Questions

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Warning: This chapter might have triggering content. If you dislike portrayals of slight pressuring/judgment, please do not read for your own sake. 

After a playful banter with Shinsou about his gorgeous smile, you two walked in comfortable silence. You encountered a few teachers on the way and you exchanged greetings with them while Shinsou watched in surprise.

"Hello, Y/n. Don't worry, Principal Nezu already informed me about this morning's meeting. Make sure you and your friend get to class on time." Cementoss smiled and waved as you passed him in the hallway.

"Okay Mr. Cementoss! Thank you and hope you have a good lesson!" You smiled and waved back. You didn't expect Cementoss to be such a softie since he had looked so stern and cold.

'Never judge a block of cement by it's cover. They can turn out to be really nice and friendly.' You chuckled to yourself and smiled at that thought.

"Wow, you're a teacher's pet already?" Shinsou grinned teasingly. 

You sniggered at his comment and replied with, "Jealous? Maybe you should try vomiting in front of the school sometime."

He chuckled when you said that. "I'm okay. You do you, hun." 

Yes, Shinsou actually did know how to use meme language, though most of his knowledge came from cat memes which you found adorable.

After you both finished giggling, a peaceful silence ensued. 

Taking this time to continue looking at the school's layout, you gazed at everything with curious amazement. You realized Shinsou never told you his quirk but you decided not to push since you just got some brownie points and he would tell you when he was ready.  

"Oh, we're here. See you Y/n." Stopping in front of the huge door with the 1-A sign above it, Shinsou nodded good bye to you before turning and walking back to the General Department.

"Thanks again Hitoshi!" You called after him. He responded by lifting a hand to briefly wave as he headed back to his department. You grinned at that and turned face to the huge door of Class 1-A.

You stared at the door and gulped. 'Okay how do I enter? Wait, why does that even matter, I'm gonna go in like the fabulous queen I am.'

"Good morning!!!" You slid the classroom door open and walked in with a huge grin.

"Hey Y/n!" Midoriya greeted you when you came in.

"Good afternoon L/n! As glad as I am to see you all healed up, please refrain from treating school property like that!" Iida stood up from his seat and spoke up while making a chopping motion to emphasize his point. 

Bakugou scowled at you but you didn't notice since you were too busy exchanging smiles and good afternoons with all your classmates. 

You noticed Todoroki was passed out in his seat and you gaped at how pretty he looked. 'Wonder what it's like to be that fabulous. Ha, actually I should ask Yuga that.'

Turning back to Iida, you smiled and finally replied by saying, "Sorry Tenya! Oh and, please just call me Y/n if you want!"

"My apologies. I hope it isn't too informal of me!" He said sternly as he bowed at a perfect 90° angle. You sweatdropped before giggling, giving his shoulder a pat to let him know it was alright.

"It's all good. So, how is everyone doing?" You asked the class with a welcoming smile. 

"Also, I'm sorry I couldn't meet some of you at the school gates when you asked." You added, chuckling apologetically. It felt a little embarrassing to admit it was because you passed out.

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