Chapter 7: Adapting

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After she finished putting your uniform in the wash, Midnight was about to walk back into the living room to check on you. Just as she was about to walk in, she heard some noise, making her pause at the doorway.

Peeking inside, she saw you hunched over the computer screen. You were staring at the screen, expression shifting into one of amazement.

She heard someone speak from the computer saying, "I may be a freak of nature but I will use my ability to bring justice to those who abuse their power and I will protect everyone here because that's what a hero does!"

'I see she's found the video about the first public hero. I remember how inspiring it was when I watched it back in high school. I hope she feels just as inspired as I did.' Midnight thought, her gentle smile holding traces of nostalgia.

She leaned against the doorway, reminiscing about her high school years. She snapped out of her memories after hearing you mutter, "...isn't it a little extreme to call a few small thieves who stole from a jewelry shop, the definition of villainous? Sure words like horrible, selfish, and a threat to the public would fit, yet to generalize the term meant for things of pure, true evil..."

She gaped at you. The words you said reminded of her when she was younger. She watched your expression morph from awe to disappointment, the corners of your mouth turning down into a frown.

You had stopped speaking and it looked as thought you were in deep thought. Midnight was worried you had seen something that would affect your opinion on this world and just as she was about to walk into the room to say something, you let out a horrified gasp. Clapping a hand over your mouth, your expression was one of disbelief and horror.

She froze again, staring in confusion before darting her eyes around the room, her fight instincts activating.

Glancing back at you, it looked like you were once again sucked into your thoughts. She relaxed against the doorway, letting out a quiet sigh of relief that you had gasped from a thought instead of a sign of danger.

She furrowed her brow in concern when your frown morphed into an expression of realization. Your eyes held a look of acceptance and deep thought. Midnight had no idea what you were thinking but she could tell that whatever you were thinking was important.

Shifting against the doorway, she continued watching you sit there as you solved your inner turmoil. She felt it was better not to interrupt because there a feeling that she shouldn't say anything.

You suddenly pulled something from your head and she sweat-dropped realizing you had just pulled some of your hair out. She stared at you, becoming slightly concerned when you looked away from the hair that you just dropped on the floor.

'Did the stress get to her? Why is she-'

You let out a sigh of relief and then picked up the hair from the floor. It made her happy to see you clean up after yourself even when you thought she wasn't around, but she was worried by how you had acted. She was about to step into the room again but then you stood up with determination blazing in your eyes. She could practically see a fiery aura around you.

"When I take that exam, I'm going to do my best to get into the hero course and become a hero who helps save and protect everyone! Quirkless, with quirks, and even villains who have strayed onto the wrong path. I'll show this society that you don't have to have a powerful quirk just to be a hero!" You exclaimed all fired up.

She nodded. That kind of mindset and determination made her proud of you for being so head strong despite everything that had happened to you so far.

"Although, I still have to pass that placement exam and I need to work harder than everyone else since I'm quirkless. Plus, I still need to figure out how to get home..." You sighed sadly, slumping slightly as you said that.

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