Chapter 15: Quiet

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You woke up. Well, regained consciousness would be more accurate, since you were awake, you just didn't get up. In fact, you rolled over onto your side and snuggled deeper into your pillow instead of getting up.

It had been another dreamless sleep. It was a pleasant thing, in your opinion, since that meant you got to sleep more. You even started to wake up feeling refreshed. A nice surprise.

About to drift back to sleep, you suddenly sensed something near you. The shuffling of their shoes and a quiet rustle alerted you that it was a person. At least, you hoped it was.

"Ah, Good morning Y/n-san!"

A soft voice was heard, making relief fill you. Opening your eyes, you shifted and peeked at the speaker.

It was none other than Noriko, her smiling face beaming at you. Behind her, the window's curtains were tied back, letting the morning sunlight into the room. Squinting slightly as you adjusted to the light, you slowly sat up and let out a quiet yawn.

"Good morning to you as well, Noriko-san." You said, sending a small smile towards Noriko.

It was strange to think that now you'd have to learn what honorific to use. Sure, you knew what kind of honorifics there were, but it was weird to apply it to your everyday speech.

Guess understanding a culture and fluently speaking the language of said culture were two different things, unfortunately.

Noriko chuckled, pulling you out of your half-asleep daze. She wore a friendly smile as she cheerfully replied, "Of course! I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you get ready for bed yesterday. By the time I came back, you were asleep, so I decided not to wake you."

"Oh, it's alright! Thank you for that." You replied as you stretched your arms, the joints popping and loosening. Moving the blanket you had been snuggled under, you sat on the edge of the bed and glanced at the clock on the wall.

'Wow, is it really 7 AM?'

Normally you didn't like waking up so early, but you had had a lovely sleep which improved your morning mood. Strangely enough, you actually had the urge to walk around. Maybe you had been lazing around too much?

Nah. It was probably your urge to explore.

'I feel good enough to walk around. I could spend my morning exploring this hospital! Oh right, Midnight said she'd bring my phone and necklace today. Mental note: Midnight and Recovery Girl might visit after UA's school hours are over which should be... around late noon? Once I get my phone, I should text Hitoshi and 1-A to apologize for getting hospitalized before our group lunch.'

You felt bad since you had promised to tell everyone about your situation, and it felt like you stood them up. You'd have to apologize when you got your phone. You made a mental note of that too before zoning back to the present.

Noriko had pulled out a fresh pair of sandals from one of the bedside drawers and placed them by your feet while you were spaced out. Currently, she was standing nearby, most likely in case you needed assistance. You slipped on the sandals before placing a hand on the bedside cabinet to sturdy yourself as you stood up, legs wobbling slightly from lack of use.

When you finally stood up, you took a nice deep breath and happened to look out your window.

Spread out below, you saw pedestrians and cars moving through the tiny streets of the city, bustling about their daily lives. The buildings, from a small grocery store to tall corporate buildings, were glimmering as the early sunlight hit them.

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