Chapter 4: Meeting

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You followed Recovery Girl as she led you through a maze of corridors.

She walked at a relaxed pace, turning through the halls until she stood in front of huge door, much like the many doors you passed earlier. 

The words she said before about not being nervous when you saw the principal made you chuckle internally, since you knew exactly what she meant. You wondered how many others were also shocked to find out Principal Nezu was a genetically modified man with super smarts. 

You couldn't help but anticipate meeting him. You admired him for using his quirk to do good instead of holding a grudge on all of humanity, even after being cruelly tested on and used for experiments by some horrible scientists.

You also couldn't help but feel extremely nervous, since not only Nezu would be there, but likely all the staff of UA would also be at the meeting. You bet that it would be like how you saw in the anime, where most of the Pro Heroes would be present. 

Noticing you fidgeting with your cast, Recovery Girl smiled warmly while assuring you that everything would be okay.

Perhaps it was her years of telling this to patients or the grandmotherly vibe she had, but you relaxed instantly and smiled back at her, grateful that at least she would be present at the meeting as well.

Taking a deep breath as Recovery Girl opened the door, you followed her into the room, ready to face the Pros head on. 


The moment you walked in the room, you noticed all the Pros from UA were in the room. They were sitting at a long table that was taking up most of the space in the room. All of them aside from Principal Nezu were wearing their hero outfits.

Lunch Rush was there too! He was wearing the same chef attire you had seen him wear in the cafeteria. Your eyes widened and you almost choked from surprise.

'Didn't I just see him in the cafeteria? How the hell did he get here so fast... guess that's anime logic for ya.' You hadn't expected all the Pros to be here but that means this meeting must be really important.

Suddenly, the urge to fangirl appeared. You tried to keep a calm, straight face since the vibe in the room was really serious and you doubt the Pros would appreciate you squealing and asking for autographs right now. True to your duty as a fangirl, you recognized everyone from the time you spent analyzing their characters through the Fandom Wiki sites. (Ahaha, don't judge me.)

You then noticed two empty seats, obviously for you and Recovery Girl to sit in. You waited for Recovery Girl to take a seat first. 

Then you bowed deeply, eyes looking down respectfully.  

Holding your bow for about 10 seconds to show your respect, you then straightened. Giving the Pros a small smile, you sat in the last chair which was at the end of the table. 

'Shit, I rarely know anything about when to bow, but if I do it now then it's respectful right?' You thought uncertainly, trying to recall that article you read on when to bow in Japan. The Pros seemed surprised at your sudden bow, but some of them broke into pleased smiles, relieving you. 

"Thank you for joining us. Now that everyone is here, let's start with introductions." Nezu stated after you sat down. 

Of course, he was sitting at the head of the table. Smiling at you, he sipped from a cup of tea while saying, "Hello, my name is Nezu and I'm the principal of this school, UA Academy." 

Nodding your head, you spoke quietly, "It's an honor to meet you sir."

He smiled wider, looking pleased before replying with, "Just Nezu is alright."

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