Chapter 20: Your Return

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(Warning: This chapter has mentions of a toxic relationship. If you are uncomfortable with this, please do not read for your own sake.)

"Hello, L/—Y/n-san."

"Hey, Tenya-san!" 

You turned and smiled at your visitor. Iida entered your hospital room with a slight smile, and...a stack of the homework from today's classes.

He placed it next to your bedside as you said, "Thanks for dropping off the homework everyday. I really appreciate it."

"No problem! It's the least I could do as a fellow student and the class president. Did you have any trouble with yesterday's homework?" Iida responded enthusiastically. 

You chuckled. "Luckily, no. The math confused me for a little, but thanks to the notes you wrote, I could understand it!" 

Iida nodded with a pleased smile. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Well, I won't keep you, Tenya-san. Have a nice day and thanks again!" 

"Yes, have a good evening as well, Y/n-san. Good bye." With that, you waved as he left the room, almost as quickly as he had come in. 

As the sound of Iida's footsteps faded, you turned to leaf through the papers he had brought you. It had already been about 5 days since you had fainted. And almost a week since your arrival. 

During that time, you had been moved to a public ward. Some classmates from 1-A had come by throughout the past few days to say hi and shared any important details or what happened in school. Everyone had seemed excited because of the upcoming Sports Festival. Knowing they were probably going to be busy with training, you assured them they didn't have to go out of their way to drop by to update you on matters, so now you mostly kept in contact through the group chat.

Recovery Girl and Midnight came by almost daily to check on you, but they were busy ladies so at most they could only check in on you for a few minutes before having to hurry off to take care of other matters. Not that you minded, you were already grateful enough as it was.

Eraserhead, or well, Mr. Aizawa had also stopped by a few times. It felt awkward to call your homeroom teacher by anything other than Mr. Aizawa or Eraserhead, but he had waved it off, saying that whichever was fine since he was one of your legal guardians. 

He had mainly come to drop off homework. True to his character, he was blunt, indifferent, and serious, however he would offer help on parts that you didn't understand for the first few minutes of his visits. After you told him you understood it, he would spend the rest of the time taking a short 1-2 hour nap in his sleeping bag before getting up to go home or do hero work.

You never really asked about the details. It didn't really bother you since he was a quiet sleeper. If he had been a loud snorer though...well, you wouldn't have been able to complete your homework without kicking him out of the room.

The reason why Iida had taken up the role of dropping off homework when usually, Mr. Aizawa did it, was because Iida had actually volunteered to do it. Much to your surprise. Iida had explained the situation to you a few days ago when he first showed up. 


"Alright, you kids are dismissed. Don't forget to do the homework, now scram." 

The class began packing up the rest of their things as Mr. Aizawa pulled a stack of papers from his desk drawer and flipped through it for a moment. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Aizawa, but what are those papers for?" Midoriya pointed at the papers Mr. Aizawa was holding as he asked.

The rest of the class inwardly groaned. It was probably homework for them. There sure was a lot of it, maybe it was a packet. They shuddered at that thought.

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