Chapter 31| Success?

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Ahana was deep in thought as everyone eat ice cream. If they had succeeded or not will not be discovered until next morning. Atleast Aryan had opened up to them. This would help alot. Ahana's thoughts were broken by Aryan.

Aryan:"Mumma you won't eat ice cream "

Ahana:(Smiles )"no baby. I don't feel like eating it you eat "

Aryan:"Maa one bite.(He said give his ice cream scoop to Ahana )

Ahana:"Ahh okay only one"(Aryan fed one bite to Ahana. Seeing this Neil smile)

Ansh:"Mummaaaa"(He said running in while Prabha and Sanjeev follow behind with Naira in Sanjeev's arms)

Prabha looks at Ahana who nods with a smile as if telling her that everything went well. Prabha and Sanjeev had dinner with the Malhotras before leaving home. Ahana send the kids to sleep in their room before heading to help Shruti and Preeti with the cleaning up of the kitchen and dishes.

Shruti:"Ahana you go see if the kids are sleeping or not. I'll finish this of and turn of the lights. Preeti you can also go"

Ahana:"Alright bhabhi"

Preeti:"Bhabhi I'll check the main gate before going so you don't have to"


Ahana bid bye to them and heads to The kids room. She enters to see Naira and Ansh sleeping on the bunkbed while Aryan sleeping on Naira's bed with Neil laying next to him patting his head as he himself was half sleep.

Ahana smiles seeing this. Ahana and Neil both had been sleeping with the kids for the last week. They didn't want to leave Aryan alone at night but also couldn't ask him to sleep with them everyday or the other kids will want to do so too and then it will just be for nothing.

Ahana sits on the study table area of the kids as she rests her head on the table. Soon enough she dozes off.

Next morning...

Neil woke up next morning and rubbed his eyes as he focused his vision came into focus. He looked around and saw the kids still asleep. He looked at his phone as saw it was 6:30 in the morning. Neil looks at Aryan.

Neil:(In his mind)" Aryan didn't get nightmares tonight."(He slowly lifted the blanket and saw that the bed was perfectly fine.)"He didn't wet the bed today. "(A grin came on his face as he kissed Aryan's forehead before turning to see Ahana sleeping on the table in a stiff position.)

Neil went towards Ahana and as he was about to wake her up, he saw her hair stands on her which was irritating her was she kept frowning in her sleep. He smiled as he bend down and moved her hair strand and tugged it behind her ears. He looked at her face as she looke beautiful sleeping peacefully. He didn't even know when his hands went to her face. Ahana moves in her sleep causing Neil jerk up as he moves far from her. Ahana opens her eyes as she sees a Neil standing in front of her who was not even looking in her eyes.

Ahana:"(As she realized they are in the kids room)"Neil..Aryan..did he..I mean.."

Neil:"Ahana he..he.."

Ahana:"Neil common tell me."(She said looking at him with a tensed face)

Neil:(Smiling)"No he didn't wet the bed and nor did he have nightmares. Your plan worked"

Ahana:"OH MY GOD "

Neil:"Shhh"(He said pointing at the kids)

Ahana:(whispering)"Oh..sorry...omg he worked"(She said slightly jumping as she ran into Neil's arms and hugged him tightly in excitement while Neil froze. He soon smiles hugging her back.)

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