Chapter 68| Shocking Revelation

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Rajeev:"What the hell are you doing with this man Ahana"( He yelled in anger)" You.. "( His words were cut of as a hard slap hit his face)

Rajeev looked shocked as he turned to see the person who slapped him. His eyes widen as he saw his mother in front of him with raging anger.


Prabha:"Don't you dare call me that. You are no son to me. "

Rajeev:"Mom I...I"

Prabha:"Shut up...Just shut up. How low can you stoop Rajeev. For god sake, don't make me feel more guilty then I already do. I regret the fact that a person like you was born from my womb "

Ahana:"Maa wh.."( She was shocked seeing Prabha and Sanjeev's rude behavior towards their son. Wasn't he the same son they cried for on his death well apparently not the real death. Also she was confused as to how they reacted as if they have known for years that Rajeev was alive. Everything seemed to confuse Ahana and Along with her Neil as well)

Multiple Security Guard came running in as they grabbed hold of Rajeev. Rajeev started to struggle again for them to leave him while Ahana let out a soft cry seeing the uncontrollable situation. Seeing this Neil embraced Ahana by the shoulder as she buried her face in his chest crying. Her pregnancy hormones weren't being helpful to the situation as well.

Rajeev:( Getting angry seeing this)"What the Hell.... Who the hell do you think you are to touch my wife like that"(Causing someone people to jump including Ahana, Which made Neil angry)

Rajeev always had anger issues. He used to get angry on small things and never apologize or realize it. Though even Neil gets angry but he rarely loses his cool to the limit where he is scaring his family. And Neil always have apologized for yelling  at his family members in a bad mood like the first fight with Ahana. On the other Hand Rajeev did no such thing. Ahana knew this from the time she met him. He would be terrible when in his angry form.

Ahana:"Rajeev there is something you need to know be..."( She said calmly  while still in Neil's arms As wanting comfort in such a horrified situation)

Rajeev:( Cutting her off)" Oh you shut up. Just for some years I left you found yourself a new boyfriend. That you love huh? That cheap."( Another Slap hit his face. This time it was none other then Ahana. )

Ahana:"How dare you raise a question on my character. This is your so called love huh?  Today I feel ashamed of myself to have loved someone who has no respect for me."

Rajeev:"Ahana you Slapped me? ME!"( he moved forward towards her when Neil came between her and Him)" Get out of my way. This is between me and my wife."

Neil:( Not moving at all as he became the wall between Ahana and Rajeev)" Ex"

Rajeev:( Confused)" What?"

Neil:"Ex wife. "

Rajeev:"Excuse me you..."( Was cut of by Neil)

Neil:"No you excuse me for my rude behavior but I will not and I repeat not tolerate a random man in my house threatening MY WIFE"

Rajeev:" Y...your wife"(He looked around at everyone as he tried to digest the truth)

Neil:"Yes My wife. Ahana Neil Malhotra. "( He said just as he felt A hand slip into his hands. He looked down to see Ahana intertwining her hands with his as she came and stood next to him)

Ahana:"Rajeev Meet my Husband Neil Malhotra. "( Seeing Rajeev's shocked face Ahana continued)" After your... well death we got married So now I am  no longer Ahana Singh. I am Ahana Neil Malhotra and will always be Ahana Neil Malhotra "

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