Chapter 45 | The change

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Ahana and Neil headed up while the kids ran back to their room to continue what they were doing. As Ahana and Neil entered their room, Ahana started rambling at Neil.

Ahana:"Neil what do you think bua ji wants to talk about. What if she says for you to divorce me. Wait it maybe about yesterday. I should have kept quiet. Why do I talk so much. Or can it be the fact that I am wearing a gown. or maybe because we stayed out the whole night. God I am screwed."

Neil:"Ahana Ahana calm down. I am sure it is nothing and even if it is something we will handle it together. Stop over thinking. You did nothing wrong. Not yesterday when we had the argument and not today when we stayed out or your wearing a gown. And as I said yesterday I would never agree to divorce you or marry anyone other then you."

Ahana:"I know Neil it's just things looked so serious downstairs. I wanted to change Bua ji's perspective on things,but along the way I didn't want to push her away from our family. We are the only onces she have left"

Neil:"You are not pushing her away from us Ahana. Whatever is happening, it is due to her actions only. And let me assure you that how ever she may be, she is our family so we will never leave her alone."(Ahana nodded)"Good now go freshen up we have to head down also."(Ahana nodded as she started to head towards the bathroom)"Also don't think I forgot about my morning kiss. After freshening up , I am taking my dose"(He said winking at her as she blushed and ran to the bathroom while he chuckled at her reaction)

After few mins Ahana was sitting in front of the dressing table in a yellow saree as she combed her hair. Neil entered the room dressed in a normal pant and shirt with his hair wet. He was rubbing his hair with the towel when he saw Ahana. He smiled as he went and back hugged her bringing her out of her thoughts.

Ahana smiles as she keeps the comb down and runs her hands through Neil's wet hair. He kissed her cheek before turning her around.

Ahana:"Neil we have to go down"

Neil:"I know but not before my morning dose"(he said bringing her closer while she blushed. Ahana looked at the clock before her)

Ahana:"Neil it is already 11 we should head down"

Neil:(Sulked)"Fine go"

He started to turn around when Ahana held his colar and pulled him closer as she tip toed on her feet and kissed him on the lips. It took few moments for Neil to register what happened before he himself started to respond as his hands rested on her waist pulling her closer if possible. After few mins they broke apart, breathing heavily. Ahana detached her self from Neil and fixed her outfit before running out. Neil also fixed his outfit a little before following Ahana. But the imagine of what happened few mins ago didn't leave their minds.


Ahana and Neil reached down and Shruti Came and gave them breakfast before they joined everyone in the hall. The atmosphere still looked pretty tensed. Ahana and Neil got to know from Shruti that Bua ji had came out of her room today only and that too for breakfast. They also got to know that bua ji had not said a word about anything other then wanting to talk to Ahana and Neil. As Ahana and Neil sat on the sofa in front of buaji she looked up. But this time her eyes held something. All Ahana could make up was that it was not hate or jealousy.

Bua ji:"I..I know everyone must be really confused why I called you both to talk. Because I...I wanted to say I am sorry.(Everyone gasped) I am sorry that you had to go through so much just because of me. (Rahul tried to speak in between but Bua ji stopped him)"Wait Rahul. Let me talk for now. I am sorry Angali. Since the time you came in Rahul's life you have heard so many taunts from me. You have tolerated all my disrespectful behavior. You never onces talked back or tried to do any envy towards me. I am really sorry for all of those things"

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