Chapter 57| Birthday surprise

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Ahana ran out of Preeti's room and rushed to Her room. As she opened her door and entered, she saw the hall empty. She frowned and dropped her previous clothes on the sofa as she rushed to the kids room but found it empty too. She heard some noise from her room and rushed there. As she opened the door the view in front of her stunned her.

The whole room was decorated with Flowers and candles. The main lights were off but the candles and moon light coming from the balcony lit the room. One the floor were rose patels which spelled out ' Happy Birthday Love'

Ahana:"Birthday "( Ahana whispered shocked)""

Neil:"Yes love, Today is your birthday. A very special day in my life as my special someone came Into this world today. Happy Birthday shona"(He said as he came behind her, resting his head on her shoulder and kissing her temple)

Ahana:( Ahana jerked and turned around to see Neil standing there dressed in a white shirt and pants.  He smiled at her while she looked on confused)"How.. I mean.. (Just then something clicked her)" Neil Naira she..."

Neil:"Shhhh shona"( He said cupping her face)" Naira is fine and asleep in Mom dad's room. In fact all 3 kids are asleep in their room. So don't worry about them as this day is your."

Ahana relaxed knowing that Naira is safe. As her mind relaxed she started to put all the pieces together.

Ahana:"Wait a min. All this was a plan right. I mean Preeti insisting me to wear this dress then her and bhabhi being so persistent on getting me fully ready. Then that msg. All this was for the "

Neil:"Surprise "( He said finishing her sentence)

Ahana:"Thank you Neil. Thank you for thinking so much but ( She sighs) " But I don't.. I mean I stopped celebrating my birthday "( She said looking down)

Neil:"I won't ask you why. All I want is for you to know that your Birthday Is the most special in the world for me. And from now on I will always celebrate my Shona's birthday because it is a really special day for me."

Ahana:( Looking into Neil's eyes)" Neil my parents loved to celebrate my birthday. Every year they would be more excited then I was for my birthday. But when they..... When they left, my birthdays felt incomplete. There was no point in them. I didn't want to celebrate my Birthday without them. "

Neil:"Ahana do you think your parents will be happy seeing you do this. They loved you and they loved celebrating you Birthday. We shouldn't always see the negatives in things. This is one thing I learned through my life. You shouldn't think that because your parents loved to celebrate your birthday and now that they aren't here that Birthday isn't special or important. Instead look at it in a positive way. Your parents loved to celebrate your birthday. So you should celebrate it each year with the same enthusiasm your parents did it in. To make them happy and to make yourself Happy"

As Neil finished, Ahana kept looking at Neil with admiration. Her eyes filled with tears and she hugged Neil tightly.

Ahana:"I love you Neil. I love you so so much. Thank you for coming in my life"

Neil:( kisses her forehead)"I love you too Shona. Now Mrs. Malhotra will you do me a favor and let me look at how beautiful my life looks in the red Saree I chose "

Ahana:(Chuckled as she pulled back from the hug and wiped her tears)" Yes Yes Mr. Malhotra. I am all your to look at "( She moved back and smiled as Neil looked at her from top to bottom before meeting her eyes)

Neil:"Damn shona red makes you look"(He said winking as Ahana blushed)" And this blush of your keeps adding to your beauty "( He said as he ran his thump on her red cheeks)

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