Chapter 48| Jealousy ?

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Ahana:(With a forced big smile )"I an his WIFE"( She said emphasizing the Wife part)

Natasha:(Shocked as the smile goes from her face)"Wife?"(She turned to Neil who was looking at Ahana with a smile.)

Neil:(wrapping his arms around Ahana's waist and turning to Natasha with a smile)"Yeah. Meet my wife Ahana Neil Malhotra"

Natasha looked shocked as she started between the two. She was more shocked to see Neil smiling and talking nicely to Ahana. He had never smiled at her that way.

Ansh:(Pulling Neil hands to get his attention)"Papa let's go na my legs hurt"

Neil:(Picking Ansh up in his arms)"It's okay buddy you sleep. I'll carry you"(Ansh rested his head on Neil's shoulder while Aryan held the teddy in his arms)

Ahana:(Seeing the kids are really tired)"Neil we should go.(Turning to Natasha)"It was nice meeting you"(Natasha gave Her a fake smile)

Neil:"Yeah. Bye Natasha"(Neil held Aryan's hand as they started to head to the parking lot)

As they reached their car, Ahana and Neil kept the sleeping Naira and Ansh in the car securing their seatbelts and helped Aryan climb in. Neil stuffed the teddy in the trunk of the car and settled down in the driver seat. The drive home was very quiet as Aryan had also fallen asleep while Ahana was lost in her thoughts. As Neil parked his car in the garage, Ahana started to get out of the car only to be stopped by Neil holding her hand.

Ahana:"What happened Neil?"

Neil:"That's what I am asking you what happened ?"

Ahana:"What happened to me?"(She shrugged)

Neil:"Common Ahana I am not a fool. I saw how lost you are after seeing Natasha."

Ahana:"Neil I don't wanna talk about it "

Neil:"But I do"

Ahana:(She looked at her hands which were placed on her lap)"I don't know what's wrong with me. Wh...when she hugged you I felt like slapping her and I...I.. I shouldn't feel this"

Neil:"Shona you are jealous (He said with a smile) "And it is okay to be jealous "

Ahana:"I know Neil but I feel angry and I shouldn't it was a normal friendly hug. Atleast from your side and I trust you it's just she...she...Arggg.. I sound pathetic."

Neil:"No you don't jaan.(He cupped her face)"You know I like it. You being jealous but let me make it clear that there is not need for it. "

Ahana:"I know and normally I wouldn't be like this but on my periods I get.."

Neil:"yeah I know you get cranky and angry easily.(He looked her for a min before he continued to talk)"Ahana, Natasha was dad's friend daughter. She ...well after Aarti's death, Her father suggested our marriage for a business deal. Dad didn't agree. He said that marriage is about love and care and he won't have his son bounded in a marriage due to some business benefits. I didn't know anything about this. One day they came to our house for dinner and proposed a marriage between Natasha and Me. That was when She met Naira and Aryan. I said no. I wasn't gonna marry anyone no matter what. My heart only had Aarti in it. My parents supported me in my decision. And the topic ended there. We did meet few times due to business reasons but that's it. When Sid and Preeti were married, Mom started on the idea of finding a bride for me. You were the first and only one I met. And that brought us to our present "

Neil kissed Ahana's forehead before resting his forehead against her. Ahana looked into his eyes that were filled with love for her.

Neil:"I love you Ahana. I love you very very much"(He whispered as his breath fanned on her face)

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