Chapter 19| Change

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Few weeks passed. Ahana and Neil Have started developing a great friendship bond. The kids grew more close to their parents. While Ahana has mingled more in the family. As for Neil, After his argument with Sid, He started to think about his actions. He remembered the day when he was sitting on the bed lost in Sid's words when Ahana came in.

Ahana:(Sitting next to him)"Neil are u lost in Sid's words?"

Neil:"Yeah.. Do u also think I am being unfair with my family?"

Ahana:"Neil it's not like that. I know what you feel. I know u love Aarti so much and she will always stay in your heart. You have all rights to love her unconditionally, but your love is not just for her. You have to love your parents, your siblings and your kids as well Neil. I know it hurts you to lose someone you so love, but by distancing yourself from the family don't you think u are giving them more pain. When u lose a person who u love, it's not as painful as when you see the person u love being with you but in pain. Imagine when our kids are in pain. What would you do"

Neil:"I would do anything in the world to take their pain away"

Ahana:"But what if you can't do anything "


Ahana:"That's what the situation is now Neil. Your parents are in pain and loss because they see you suffer each day but they can't do anything to stop it."

Neil:(running his hands through his hair)"What have I done "

Ahana:"Neil we can't change the past but we can always try and change the future. "(She said as she gave him a nod and left to do her other work while he thought on her words.)

From that day onwards, Neil started to try. Try to be happy, Try to be normal with his family. That trying, That effort was seen clearly by Ahana and the family. The family members were happy beyond thought for Neil who was changing while Ahana was happy that her family was happy.

Today Ahana and Neil had planned to take the kids to Prabha and Sanjeev's house. They had planned to stay for dinner there. As the car reached a stopping point, the kids rushed out the car towards the house while Neil and Ahana chuckled.

Prabha opened the door to be welcomed by the excited smiles of 3 kids and behind them Ahana and Neil standing with a smile on their face.

Ahana:(hugging Prabha after the kids hugged her)"Maaa"

Prabha:(Breaking the hug and turning to Neil who bend down and got her blessing )"Come ...come inside"

They all headed inside and greeted Sanjeev.  As Sanjeev got busy talking to Neil while the kids ran upstairs to Ansh's old room, Ahana headed to the kitchen to help Prabha out.

Ahana:"Maa let me help"(Prabha nodded)

Prabha:"How is thing going Ahana ?"

Ahana:"Great maa. I bonded well with the kids and family. They also treat me well. Ansh is getting all the love that he deserves. Everything is perfect "

Prabha:"What about you and Neil "

Ahana:"What about us?"(She asked pretending she didn't know what the question was directed towards)

Prabha:"Common Ahana u know what I mean"

Ahana:(signs as she turns to Prabha )"Everything is fine maa. We Come together because of our kids. To give them a better future and we succeed. We are even friends now and that the most we will ever be. Everything is working out fine. Now plz don't ask these questions and ruin things "(She said before picking up the plate and moving out.)

Prabha:(Signs looking down)"Ahana I may not be able to understand you pain but I know Neil is the only one who can take that pain away and give you the love you deserve. I can see your changing. You have that sparkle in you eyes which was lost for many years now. You are finally happy. Have a family. I just want your and Neil's bond to be very strong. Strong enough so it can give you strength to know the bitter truth that can change your life."

Sanjeev:(Calling from outside )"Prabha where are u? Come na"

Prabha:"Coming "(She said as she headed out)

Few hours passed, Everyone had dinner and were just sitting in the hall chatting. The kids were also tired. Ansh was sitting next to  Neil hugging him while his eyes shut and open. Naira was by Sanjeev who was patting her head while talking to Neil, while Aryan was sitting between Ahana and Prabha with his head in Ahana's lap while she patted his head.

Ahana:(Seeing the kids almost asleep )"I guess we stood head back now maa"

Neil:"Yeah. The kids are half asleep already "

Sanjeev:"Alright but come back some time soon"

Neil:"for sure papa"(Neil gets up and picks Ansh in his arms while he calls out to Aryan who stands up all sleepy holding his dad's hand. Ahana walks over to Naira was leaning against Sanjeev and picks her up. Feeling her mother's warmth, Naira snuzzles into Ahana's neck going back to sleep.)

Prabha and Sanjeev comes out behind Ahana and Neil. Neil with the help of Ahana settles the kids down in the back making sure to not disturb their sleep. After bidding final bye to the parents, Ahana and Neil set off home.

As they reach home, Neil picks up Naira and Ansh in his arms while Ahana carries Aryan. They head to the kids room and tug them in before heading back to their room.  when Ahana  comes out of the bathroom changed in her night wear she see Neil fast asleep on the bed. Unknowingly a smile comes on her face as she stares at him for a min. Her stare was broken when Neil turned in his sleep.

Ahana's smile vanishes as she realizes what she did. She quietly lays down on her side of the bed and goes into deep thinking.

Ahana:(In her mind)"What the hell is wrong with me? Why would I stare at Neil like that? Its weird to stare at someone like that. Well he is not some random person he is my husband. OMG what am I thinking. Ahana you going mad. Totally mad! It's all because of Maa's words. But nothing can change. Me and Neil can never be what maa wants. Never.."(She said as she drowned into her sleep )

Things were changing. The relationship that started of as a deal was turning into friendship and now something more then that. Or atleast for Ahana it was. The only problem now was will she except this change. Will she let the new change bring happiness in her life or will she distant herself knowing about this change.

So guys I hope you enjoyed it.
Plz do vote and comment.
Will update next part soon.

Precap:" Ahana slowly falling in love with Neil? Who will make her realize this? What will happens when she realizes this?"


Mumma/ Maa - Mom

Mummiji - Mother in law

Papa - dad

Beta - kid

Taiji - Dad's big brother's wife

Tauji  - Dad's big brother

Chacha -Dad's younger  brother

Chachi - Dad's younger Brother's wife

Bhabhi - Big brother's wife

Dadi - grandma

Dadu - grandpa

Ji - a word which shows respect towards the other person.

Bhaiya - Brother

Rasam - Ritual

Jaan - An endearment which mean my life or my love.

Mami -  mother's brother's wife

Jiji - Sister

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