Chapter 60| Memorable Week

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Ahana nodded as they both did their duties before Leaving the hotel room. Neil held Ahana's Hands as he took her to some room in the hotel which she had no clue about. As they reached, Neil opened the door for Ahana indicating her to enter in.

As Ahana walked in. She Saw the room was pitch black. She turned to look for Neil only to see him missing as well. She frowned in confusion which soon vanished just as the lights flickered on and loud thud sounds came as confetti started to fall on her. She turned to see her family standing there smiling brightly at her as they sang Happy Birthday to you.

She looked around with the room to see The kids, Neil, Preeti, Rohan, Sid, Rahul, Shruti, And Angali singing while clapping their hands. In Preeti's hands were a vanilla cake which Stated Happy Birthday. The background had Few balloons hung up and Other small decorations were hung up as well. As They finished the song, one by one everyone hugged Ahana wishing her personally. Ahana took blessings from Rahul and Angali.

Ansh/Naira:(Yelling as they hugged Ahana)"Happyyyyy Birthdaayyyy Mummaaaa"

Ahana:(Laughs)"Thank you Sweethearts "(She said pulling each of their cheeks and kissing them on the forehead)

Aryan:(Coming up after his brother and sister with something behind his back)"Happy Birthday Mumma"(He said softly while Ahana smiled and Sat down on her knees to cup Aryan's Face)

Ahana:"Thank you Baby"

Aryan:"Mumma I..."

Ahana:"Yes baby What Happened?"

Aryan looked at Sid who smiled and nodded before he turned to Look at Ahana who looked at him with a smile still confused as to what is going on.

Aryan:"I got you a present "

Ahana:(Excited)"Really! Show me"

Aryan pulled out a Small paper from behind his back. It looked like a hand drawn card. Ahana opened it up to see it decorated with small but cute pictures like balloons and Birthday cakes. It stated Happy Birthday in the middle while it Also had A small pocket like thing which had something in it. Ahana pulled out the item and her eyes teared at the sweet gift. It was a necklace made out of beads that come in bracelet sets for kids with the middle having a heart that stated Best Mom.

Ahana:" This is so beautiful Aryan. Thank you baby. It's truly a amazing gift."( She said with a smile on her face as Aryan jumped in happiness) " Can mumma get a hug"

Aryan wrapped his arms around Ahana Happily while A tear fell from Ahana's eyes as she felt overwhelmed with emotions of Happiness. She looked at Neil who was staring at them with a soft smile. Ahana chuckled slightly hugging Aryan tightly. She then pulled back and kissed his forehead.

Ahana:"Thank you baby. I will always keep this with me"( She said looking at the necklace in her hand.)

Though it looked like a normal kiddish necklace but for Ahana it held the love and care of Her son Aryan. It was way to precious for her. It is true that it doesn't matter If something is small or big.  Nor does the price matter. The only thing that makes something special is the emotions attached to it. And this gift was too precious to Ahana.

Ahana:"Aryan,  Baby, will you help mumma and Tie this."

Aryan:"Sure mumma "( Ahana turned around while Aryan tried tying to around her neck but struggled. Neil saw this and Sat next to Aryan helping him tie the necklace)

Sid:"You know Bhabhi. This Kid over here Made this necklace today taking a full 1 hour while at the mall. They had a station for kids to play and he made this gift for you. He even used the money which I was getting everyone ice cream with to get the heart with the best mom to go along with the necklace "(Neil smiled as he picked Aryan in his arms while Ahana kissed Aryan forehead.)

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