Chapter 67 | The Past

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Ahana laughs More loudly, Hearing his cliche flirting  causing Neil to grin as he admired her Smile. As Ahana was walking a little front of Neil, She turned around to look at him with a smile as she walked backwards.

Neil:" Ahana walk straight, you will hurt yourself"

Ahana:( Nodded as she was about to turn around when a person, who was talking of the phone came in the opposite direction and bumped into Ahana)" Sor...."(Ahana froze while Neil rushed to Ahana.)

Neil:"Ahana are you okay... Ahana?"( He looked to see her shocked face. He looked forwards and seeing the  person in front of him, He froze as well as his hand left Ahana's)


Neil:"Ho ...this...possible"

Ahana and Neil looked in shock as they stared at the person, to be precious The man, from their past.


Ahana was speechless as the world around her comes crashing down. Her first husband stood in front of her after about 7 years, with a smile on his face as he looked at Ahana.

Rajeev:" Hey Baby! Surprised aren't you. Well it would have been a better surprise if we had met as planned at home in few hours. I was gonna get a surprise gift for you and Ansh. Well guess, your surprise got spoiled but Ansh's hasn't. By the way where is it? At home? Oh he must have grown alot right.

As Rajeev kept talking Ahana stood in a trance not being able to understand who was the man that stood in front of her or how was he even here. While Neil as well was rooted in one spot seeing Rajeev. The man he had only seen in photos now stood face to face with him.

Neil came out of a trance when a car horn rang in the background. He looked back at Rajeev to see him still standing their with a smile. Neil turned towards Ahana who was froze. Automatically Neil's hand went on Ahana's shoulder bringing her out of the trance as she looked towards Neil and tears started to fill her eyes.

Rajeev frowned seeing Neil's hands on Ahana as he didn't understand who Neil was. Rajeev started to say something only to be cut of by Neil, who had seen the bad condition of Ahana and Couldn't take any Risk with her condition. Right now nothing mattered except Ahana.

Neil:"Look....The....the situation is ...well...pretty messed up right now but I...I need to get Ahana home. You go home and we.. we will take later."

Rajeev:( Frowned)" What home..Who are you..  I'll take my wife home. You can leave"

Ahana:(Who was by now feeling dizzy)" Neil...I...don...home..please "

Neil picked up Ahana in his arms and he walked fast towards his car and made Ahana sit in. All this while Rajeev followed Them as he got angry.

Rajeev:"Dude what the f..."( He was cut of Neil who shut Ahana's door )

Neil:"Rajeev listen here. I know you are confused. Trust me man I am more confused the  you are but right now Ahana health matter much more then anything to me. So get the hell out of my way "( He yelled as he sat in his side of the car and started the car to home)

The drive home was full of anxious silence. Ahana had calmed down a little but her mind wasn't at peace. Tears rolled down her eyes as flashes and the reality of Rajeev being alive hit her.  While Neil's situation was same. He didn't know what was to happen now. Where will his life go from now. More over the big  question that kept going through his head was how.. How was Rajeev alive. And if He was alive then where was he for the past 6 years.

Ahana looked down at her stomach with teary eyes. Neil looked towards and saw her hand on over her stomach. Why why was destiny playing such a game with them. Finally Neil and Ahana were happy in their life with their kids and even a new born baby which was to soon enter in their world and extend their happiness more. But now...everything had shattered in just moments.

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