Chapter 64| Coincidence ?

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Neil:"Today is Aarti's death Anniversary "

Ahana:"Today is Rajeev's death Anniversary "( They both said at the same time) " And mom and dad's...also"( She whispered the last part as both Ahana and Neil froze in shock)


Ahana:( Sat on the bed with a worried expression)" Neil... this.. How is it possible?"

Neil:( Looking at Ahana's face, Neil calmed his emotions down and went towards Ahana, sitting next to her)"Maybe it's... it's a coincidence?"( He said sounding unsure)

Ahana:(Turning toward him)" You don't need to hide your emotions from me Neil. I know you are just as stumped as I am. Just because I am pregnant doesn't mean you have to hide everything from me. Atleast not your emotions"( She said looking into his eyes)

Neil sighed as he cupped her face planting a kiss on her forehead before bring her into a hug as his thoughts wondered over the weird discovery they just made.

Neil:"I don't know what to think shona. On one hand my heart says that it can't be a coincidence that rajeev and Aarti's death Anniversary is on the same day. But my mind says that it could be a coincidence and we shouldn't let our minds wonder on it "

Ahana:"I too don't know what to say or think. But this does scare me a little bit"

Before they could further discuss the topic, Ahana's phone Rang. It was Prabha Maa. Ahana looked at Neil before answering the call.

Ahana:"Hello Maa?"

Prabha:"Hello Ahana. How are you doing beta"

Ahana:"Fine maa"

Prabha:"Though I didn't want to discuss this with you but...Pandit ji called today for..."

Ahana:"the pooja right?"

Prabha:"Haan. But Ahana you... you shouldn't do it. You have moved on Ahana. It would not be right. We have no problem Ahana."

Ahana:( She looked at Neil who gave her a small smile not even knowing what the matter was)" No Maa we can't leave behind our past to move forward. Today I will hold Rajeev's death Anniversary pooja. And though I am no one to say this but I hope Neil does the same for Aarti ji"( She said looking at Neil in the eyes. Neil understood the topic and a smile appeared on his face at her words.)

Neil:( He took the phone from Ahana's hand and turned the speaker on before looking at Ahana)" Maa. I want to invite you and Papa to our house this evening for the pooja. We will hold it together for Aarti and Rajeev Along with Ahana's mom and Dad' s soul to be at peace."( Prabha gasped as she heard Aarti and Rajeev's Name)

Ahana:"Yes maa I know it must be shocking but Aarti's death Anniversary is the same day as Rajeevs. We are also shocked as to this weird discovery "

Prabha:" It's.. it's not weird Ahana. Multiple people die on the same day... It must be a coincidence. Don..Don't think about it much. All this shouldn't effect the babies health"

Ahana:"Don't worry Maa we will take care."

Neil:"Yes Maa. You both just came home by evening. I'll prepare everything "

Neil cut the call before looking at Ahana. He Held Ahana's hands in his as he looked into her eyes with pure love and admiration.

Neil:"Ahana I know our emotions are mixed up and we might not be able to think clearly as if now. But even with this, I fully agree to the decision of yours. But you have to understand Ahana,Our family might not understand our thoughts. We already saw how Prabha maa and Sanjeev Papa reacted on this news. I have a feeling that even mom and Dad might object on this pooja due to our relation now. But no matter what happens, I need you to be strong with your thoughts. Just because we have moved on doesn't mean our past has left us. It is the main reason for us being us today so never forget the past. Instead we have to move forward along with it like we have been doing now."

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