Chapter 63 | Pregnancy News

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Ahana and Neil reached home around 11 at night and made the kids sleep in their room before heading up to their respective room.

They changed their clothes up and got ready for bed. Ahana came out of the washroom and saw Neil on his phone typing something. She settled down on her side of the bed and unclipped her hair fully opening it from the bun and letting it fall behind her. She ran her hands through her hair to set it properly before laying down on the bed.

Neil who was still busy writing some email, Gave her a smile and ran his hands over her head onces before continuing his work. Ahana layed their looking at the ceiling as she remembered today's event. Her hands automatically went on her stomach as she ran her fingers over it slowly. A smile came upon her face as she remembered the time when she first got pregnant with Ansh. She was So scared to even more her body a inch thinking she will hurt the baby. Though today she knows that this fear is nothing to be worried about, the care is still their.

Ahana's thoughts were broken when she felt another hand cover hers on her stomach. She turned her head to the side and saw Neil laying next to her with a smile on his face.

Neil:( Kissing her forehead)" Where are you lost shona"

Ahana:"( Smiling softly)" No where Neil. ( They stayed quite for a while Enjoying each other's presence when Ahana looked at Neil and spoke up)" Neil... Tomorrow I...Before we tell our family I want to tell Ansh, Aryan and Naira. I know they won't understand much but I feel they deserve to know this first after you ofcourse. Maa and Papa got to know due to our situation but I want the kids to know next. "

Neil:"I agree Ahana. Don't worry tomorrow we will plan something."( Ahana nodded as she rested her head on his chest and sleep took over both of them)

Next day... Ahana and Neil had visited the doctor in the morning and got confirmation on the new with all the reports and medications. Later they brainstormed multiple ways to tell the kids about this news but all the idea seemed either tooo over the top or not suitable for kid's understanding.

Neil:"Can't we just go to their room and Say  Kids your becoming  big brothers and Sister."( He said feeling tried of this planning)

Ahana:"God Neil. Is this how you told Aryan about Naira when she was born. They are kids they wouldn't understand it that simply"

Neil:( Rubbing back of neck with a shy smile)" Well at Naira's time, Aarti was the one who Explained it to Aryan. "

Ahana:"I can imagine"( She looked back at Her notebook which they were planning on and something click her)" I got it"( She said excitedly startling Neil)


Ahana:"Come with me"( She held Neil hands and they headed towards The kids room)

As they entered kids room, They saw the kids busy playing among themselves. Ahana looked around the room and spotted the things she was looking for.

Ahana:"Kids listen up. Mumma and Papa have something for you"

The kids stopped what they were doing and gathered around their parents asking questions. Ahana told everyone to wait a min at she went and got all the teddy bears in the room and kept them on the bed.

Ahana:"So kids  we will meet  a beautiful family today. The Teddy bear family. ( She picked up a big  brown teddy bear)" So this is Papa Bear. Who is he?"

Kids:"Papa Bear"


Naira:"Mumma same same like Papa"( She said Causing Ahana to smile)

Ahana:"Yes Baby same like your Papa. Strong and Loving and protective of his family. Common go give it to papa"( Naira Ran and took the large teddy bear in her hand as she wobbled towards Neil.)

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