Chapter 2| The Meeting

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The night soon passed with Neil and Ahana being lost in the thought of their passed away husband and wife. The elders were excited and happy to see their kids starting a new life. Next morning at Malhotra house everyone was up and ready for the amazing day. The kids were off to school while the men of the house took a day off.

While at Singh house the same scenario was happening. Ansh was dropped at school by Ahana meanwhile Prabha and Sanjeev were busy in preparation for the welcome of Malhotra family.

Ahana:(coming back after dropping Ansh )"Maa what is all this ?"(she said looking at the decorations that were going on)

Prabha:(while placing new flowers in the vase)" What do you mean what is all this? The Malhotras are coming today Ahana. I told you right."

Ahana:"yes but the marriage is not fixed that you are doing all this decorations and renovations for"

Sanjeev:"its not much beta. Just making the house look a little presentable "

Prabha:"Anyways you go take some rest, but be ready in 2 hours. They will be here by 12"

Ahana:"sure maa.."(she said before leaving to her room)

The preparation went on. Soon it was 12. Ahana was ready in a beautiful dress. She was sitting in her room lost in her thoughts when she heard a car honk. Then she heard noises from downstairs telling her that the Malhotra were here. Her heart beat rose not knowing why. She, for sure, was not nervous. She didn't even want to marry anyone and is doing this for Ansh then why all this new feeling. She shrugged and just sat on her bed thinking about her confused future.

Meanwhile Downstairs...

Prabha:"come in plz.."(she said welcoming the Malhotras. They all entered and settled down in the hall. )

The elders got busy is talking about random stuff while Neil sat their with a dull face. He was confused as to why a new feeling inside him was arising. He didn't even feel this at the time of his first marriage. Shrugging the thought he started thinking about the talk he needs to have with the girl he is here to meet. His thoughts were disturbed by his mom.

Angali:"so where is Ahana?"

Prabha:"oh she is upstairs in her room. I'll get her."(Saying so she heads up to Ahana room. After 5 mins the Malhotras see Prabha coming down with Ahana. Ahana came down and settled down next to sanjeev who smiles at Ahana)

Sanjeev:"This is our daughter Ahana"(everyone talked for a while. Questions were asked to Ahana and Neil by others)

Rohan:"dad I feel we should let Neil and Ahana talk to each other privately "

Rahul:"yeah sure is that fine with you sanjeev "

Sanjeev:"Yeah sure. Ahana take Neil to your room."

Ahana:"okay papa"(she stands up and so does Neil. She signals Neil to follow which he does.)

In Ahana's room...

Ahana and Neil stood in front of each other awkwardly. After few mins of silence.

Neil/Ahana:(speaking at the same time)"I.."

Neil:"you say"

Ahana:"no no you can say"

Neil:"its okay you can say"

Ahana:"okay. I wanted to let you know that I am only doing this marriage for my son, Ansh. I just want him to have a father love and support. He is too young to understand that his father is dead but in few years he will start questioning me. And I will have no awnser to give him."(she said in a go. She looked up to see him looking at her with a shocked expression )

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