Chapter 17| Scared Nights

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After eating lunch, Ahana and Neil come inside. Neil went downstairs and turned on the TV while Ahana explored the house.

Ahana:(Entering the hall)"Wow this house is something "

Neil:(Looking up to her)"Yeah"

Ahana:(Sitting on the other side of the sofa)"But what will we do the whole day?"

Neil:"I don't know "

Ahana:"Let's just watch some movie "

Neil:"Alright"( They scroll through the channel and finally stop on a movie channel where a Indian movie was playing. They spend the next to hours watching that movie.)

After finishing the movie, Neil was just scrolling through the channel when it lands on a American movie playing. Neil stops on that challenge and raises the volume. Ahana looks at the screen to see what's playing. She gets interested in the movie and starts to watch it with Neil.

Soon 15 mins or so into the movie, Ahana realizes something. The movie was a horror movie and she is scared to watch a horror movie. She looks wide eyed at the screen before looking away. She gets up to leave the room when Neil calls her.

Neil:"What happened "

Ahana:(Sitting down quickly )"Nothing nothing "(Neil nods before getting back into the movie. Ahana makes a crying face before sitting back on the sofa and pulls a cushion near her face.)

Few mins pass into the movie as Ahana is using the pillow to hide her face when ever a scary scene comes up, but she made sure Neil was not aware of this or so she thought she did. When ever a scary scene used to come she used to jump slightly no knowing that she caused the sofa to shake a little moving Neil as well.

Neil noticed her covering her face with the pillow. At first he watched her in Amusement before understand the real reason behind her actions. A soft smile approaches his face at this sight which soon goes away seeing Ahana pulling the pillow down to take a sneak peek at the screen.  The whole movie went by with this little moments. More then the movie Neil focused on Ahana's facial expressions.

As the movie ended, it was already evening time. The sun had started to set. The 2 story house started to darken. Neil got up to go around and turn on the lights while Ahan stayed in her position.

Ahana:(Talking to herself )"I am dead. what was the need to sit here and watch this stupid horror movie. Now how will this night pass"(She asked herself making a crying face)

Ahana rarely watched horror movies. She knew that watching the horror movie not only scares her for few hours but also makes her whole night miserable. Once When Rajeev and her watched a horror movie on rajeev's demand, Ahana didn't sleep the whole night and kept Rajeev up as well. She was worried how she will manage today with Neil Around.

Neil:(Breaking her thought process)"Ahana  come here"(Ahana got up and went to the patio area to see Neil holding a package )

Ahana:"What is this?"


Ahana:"But where did this come from"

Neil:"Sid and his weird tricks"(Ahana just nodded)

They both settled down and eat dinner in slight. After dinner was finished, Neil started to pack things up while Ahana helped him.

Neil:"You head up, I'll clean this and join"


Neil:(Confused )"Ye..yeah"

Ahana:(Nervous laugh )"It's okay I'll help you"

Neil:"Its okay Ahana go to bed. I'll join soon"

Having no choice Ahana nodded. She slowly made her way upstairs. She headed to the bedroom and quickly turned on the light.  She sighed and sat on the bed when she heard the door close causing her to jump. She looked to see Neil who looked at her confused.

Neil:(to himself )"Why..why is she behaving like this?"(He thought to himself but shrugged and layed down on the bed. He closed the light as they both layed on the bed. Neil soon fell asleep while Ahana was wide awake and scared)

Ahana:"Common Ahana just sleep. Who will eat you in your sleep,but in the movie the ghost could alter your dreams."(She sat up)"I an seriously gonna go mad"

Just then she heard the wind blow causing the trees to hit the windows making a sound . She jumps and sees the area near the window to freak out more. There was a man figure standing in the corner. She muffled a scream horrified as she shock Neil awake. Seeing Ahana scared face, Neil got up in a jerk and looked at her.


Ahana:"Neil..Some...someone is there"(She said pointing at the shadow.)

Neil looks at the place alerted. He gets up soon to be followed by Ahana who stood close behind him. Neil started to head towards the shadow when Ahana grabs his hands.

Ahana:(Whispering )"Why are you going towards it? let's head out"

Neil:"Its okay wait"(He said as she moves towards the shadow. Ahana closes her eyes while he moves around the corner to see what caused the shadow)

Neil moves towards the corner to see the shadow only to find a clothes hanged on a stand whose shadow looked like a man standing. Neil calls Ahana who is shocked to see the cloths. She feels guilty at waking up Neil for nothing.

Ahana:"Neil I am sorry. I woke you up for nothing "

Neil:"Its okay Ahana but why are behaving differently today. I am seeing since dinner time. Tell me truth"

Ahana:(Looking down)"I am scared of Horror movies. I cant sleep at night when watch them. I am sorry "

Neil:"Why didn't you tell me. I would have stopped it. "

Ahana:"Well when I got to know it's horror, it was to late. Anyways don't worry about me. You can go sleep."

Neil:"No its okay, come let's just talk until you fall sleep"

Ahana:"Nono You don't have to do that for me"

Neil:"Ahana just sit on the bed will you"

Ahana sits on the bed next to Neil. They get comfortable on the bed resting their heads on the headset of the bed. Neil starts a conversation about the kids and soon both get deep into the conversation.

They talk all night about random things and around 4 in the morning fall asleep in the same position they were seated in. Next morning around 9, The sunlight shines on the couple who was now sleeping in a sitting position with Ahana's head on Neil's shoulder while his head on her head.


So guys I hope you enjoyed it.
Plz do vote and comment.
Will update next part soon.

Precap:"Back home and getting teased by the family members"


Mumma/ Maa - Mom

Mummiji - Mother in law

Papa - dad

Beta - kid

Taiji - Dad's big brother's wife

Tauji  - Dad's big brother

Chacha -Dad's younger  brother

Chachi - Dad's younger Brother's wife

Bhabhi - Big brother's wife

Dadi - grandma

Dadu - grandpa

Ji - a word which shows respect towards the other person.

Bhaiya - Brother

Rasam - Ritual

Jaan - An endearment which mean my life or my love.

Mami -  mother's brother's wife

Jiji - Sister

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