Chapter 66| The Shock

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Meanwhile At london airport...

Around 6:12 in the evening, A person is shown entering the airport with their luggage and passport. They do all the checking work required before they headed to their boarding area.

As they settle down on the benches and plug in their phone on the outlet. They look down at their boarding pass which stated the flight from London to New Delhi.

The boarding started as one by one everyone entered the flight. The person found their seat and settled down on it. They looked out of the window as they saw the airport and smiled.

Person:"Just 9 more hours then I'll be in My country. ( They pulled out their phone and looked at a picture)" 9 hours and 1 night train journey is the only difference between us. Just wait 2 more days, I'll be with you again soon"

Ahana's eyes opened widely as she sat up startled causing Neil to jerk up from his sleep as well.

Neil:( Worried and shocked)" Ahana? Shona what happened"

Ahana:( trying to even her breathing)" Wa...water.."

Neil Rushed and got her some water as he dialed the doctors number. It was around 6 in the morning.

Neil:" Hello doctor?... Yes... sorry to disturb you but Ahana ....her condition is scaring me."

Ahana:"I...I am fine Neil ...just it feel weird in my chest "( She said keeping her hand on her chest)

Doctor:"Neil put the phone on speaker please."

Neil:(does as said)"Yes doctor..."

Doctor:"Ahana I need you to take a deep breath inside and release it.."( Ahana does as asked while Neil sat next to her supporting her... Soon after few mins she starts to calm down)

Ahana:"I...I feel much better doctor "

doctor:"Good...Neil no need to worry. It is normal for women to have these feeling during pregnancy. Maybe due to some stress
or a bad dream Ahana's body triggered her anxiety. Which might have became instance due to her emotions being high because of pregnancy. It all normal but I would want you both 2 come for a check up tomorrow well I guess today just to be sure"

Neil:"alright doctor we will be there"

Doctor:"I'll set a appointment and send you the timing. Take care both of you"

Ahana/ Neil:"Thank you doctor"( Neil cut the call before turning to Ahana and taking her into a hug)

Neil:"God you scared me Shona"

Ahana:"Sorry Neil...I don't know what happened. I just had this feeling in my dream or something that I can't explain but it wasn't good and then it might have trigger the anxiety attack "

Neil:"It's okay Baby... Now tell me what is bothering you"

Ahana:"I don't know...I just.. there is a heavy feeling in my heart which I can't put my mind to "

Neil:"Okay okay... let's just try and forget it... Why don't you get some rest... There is till 2 hours before breakfast"

Ahana:"But Neil you have office"

Neil:"No I am planning to take a day off. I have to take you to the doctor and then maybe My baby, you and me can spend some time together "(He said with a smile to which Ahana nodded)

Neil helped Ahana lay down and go back to sleep before he freshened up. Later he headed up to the kids room  as it was already 7:15. He got the kids up and ready for their school day before informing Sid, to drop them off and also about his day off.

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