Chapter 76 | Discussions

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Rajeev:" lord.. Th..Thank you for even giving me a chance to speak my request. My lord I regret multiple things in my life. The one think I don't regret is meeting Ahana. My lord today I have a request to stop myself from regretting another thing. My lord I want to meet my son. Onces in my life I want to see him. Touch him. Talk to him. Please My lord I want to have 1 meeting with my Son. With Ansh. That's my request my lord. Please one time. One time allow me to meet my Son my lord. See it as a request from A dying man. My last wish my lord. Please let me see my son."

Ahana and Neil froze along with the rest of their family. Ahana's hands tightened on Neil as her fears grew. Mutterings and Mumbling along with protest started in the court.

Judge:"Order order"( As the court silenced Again)" Mr. Singh You may realize after your crimes what you are asking is not possible but then again as you said everyone has rights. Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra Since you both are the legal guardian of Ansh Malhotra, I give the decision in your hands. 3 days. You both have 3 days to think this through. The court will hear your decision after 3 days. We can assure you one thing though. If you all agree to the meeting then we will have officer with you and the child and you are to be with you child at all times. We assure you it will be safe. The court is dismissed "

Flashback ends....

These 2 days had passed really quickly. Tomorrow Ahana and Neil had to tell there decision to The court. Though most of the family members have already made there mind about the decision being an obvious no, Some had mutliple battles going on within themselves about the topic.

After having Dinner, Ahana and Neil had headed up. Tomorrow was a big day for them. Though Ahana had made up her mind about saying no, She was still in fear. From the moment Rajeev had made his request, She was in denial. No way on the world would she let Ansh anywhere near that man.

She remembered the emotional breakdown she had when she got home that day. Neil had been with her he sad supported her but they truly never discussed this topic.

As she thought through this, she heard Neil exit the washroom after freshening up. He came and sat next to her as he kept his hand on her hand.

Neil:"Ahana we Need to talk about Ansh and ra..Rajeev's request"

Ahana:"I..(Taking a deep breath)"Neil I can't let my son anywhere near that man. I just can't. His shadow can't even touch Ansh. Neil I think we all already have known that the decision is no. I guess we both agree on it as well but this fear is still not leaving me."

Neil:(As he looked down at his hand that were now intertwined with hers)"I...I was thinking something else. "


Neil:"I think we should let him meet Ansh"

Ahana:( Shocked)" What?.. No Neil what are you saying. We.. We can't let that man anywhere near Ansh.. You joking right"(She asked in disbelief)

Neil:"Ahana trust me I have thought day and night about this. Just hear me out"( He said softly as his eyes held deep emotion)

Ahana sighed. She knew Neil had said something so bizarre that she herself was shocked but at the same time she also knew Neil wouldn't do a think to hurt Ansh. She knew Neil would have thought about it over 1000 times before coming to such a conclusion. Though she didn't understand his decision nor did she support it. She trusted him enough to listen to his view on the topic before judging him fully or opposing his thoughts.

Ahana:"Tell me Neil. What can make you agree to let Rajeev meet Ansh"

Neil:"Ahana I understand you fear. I myself felt the same that day when Rajeev made his request. I felt so much anger built up in me that I wanted to beat the hell out of him. That night this thought never left me that how can a man be like him. I know he hasn't changed. That's crystal clear for sure and I was gonna say no as well. But my view changed when I went to the kids room the next day."

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