Rumors, Rumors, Nothing But Rumors

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Description: "FUCKING HARRY STYLES! And no, that is not a to-do list. It's an adequate description of the most annoyingly self-indulgent human being, Louis Tomlinson has ever met, and those were his first thoughts when he laid eyes on the guy."

All in all, this makes for a pretty unbearable situation when an unlucky coincidence, a need for good publicity and a whole lot of rumors results in a pretend friendship - or whatever one would call the relationship between Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles.

A/N I enjoyed writing the last one, so here we go again! Hope you like it!

Side note: I only have some of this fic planned out right now, so I'm just going to wing it with the rest. You're warned!

Rumors, Rumors, Nothing But Rumors (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now