Chapter Fourteen

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A/N Sorry for my absence, but now I have finally finished school and I've spent the past six days drinking and partying (Don't do that kids) because I'm Danish and that's how we celebrate.

Anygays, thanks for your patience and here we go again!

They finished the photoshoot Tuesday, so Louis has no work to do for the remainder of the weekdays, meaning he doesn't get to see Harry either and maybe he is just a tiny bit restless because of that.

Wednesday drags on and on forever - Louis even contemplates going for a run out of pure boredom, and that's when he knows it's getting bad. Zayn is at work for the day and Louis decides on surprising his roommate with dinner, meaning he orders pizza about ten minutes before Zayn walks through the door, so they'll arrive simultaneously.

However, his roomie is not alone when he finally shows up - which is evident the second he enters the building with a loud laughter paired with a shyer one.


Louis didn't think the two of them were getting too serious, but he is soon proved wrong as the two of them enter the kitchen, Zayn's arm flush around Liam's waist and his roomie's smiling face resting in the crook of the designer's neck.

It frightens Louis slightly how fast the scenario makes him think of Harry, but luckily the doorbell rings only seconds after, distracting him from unwelcome desires and feelings he doesn't want to consider or even acknowledge at the moment.

After fetching the pizza, Louis joins Liam and Zayn who have moved to the living room and are currently searching for a movie they haven't seen, and as the two of them take up the entire couch, Louis is left with their shitty armchair.

Great - not only does he get to third-wheel, but he also gets to have backpains tomorrow, as it is physically impossible for him to sit up straight in said chair - or any chair for that matter.

If Louis thought he had been restless throughout the day, it's nothing compared to him now, fidgeting around in the chair and sending Zayn and Liam disgusted looks whenever they whisper lovingly to each other or kiss too loudly. Annoying couple-y shits.

About halfway through the movie, at a point where Louis has finally managed to calm his restless body and sit rather still, he realizes that there's been suspiciously quiet from the couch for a hot minute.


Louis' voice is firm and commanding as he realizes what Liam and Zayn are doing underneath the blanket that is carelessly pulled over them. "That is where I draw the line!" Louis continues in an almost disgusted tone, standing up abruptly to leave the living room before he is traumatized further.

"Soorrrryyy", Zayn's blissed-out voice drawls behind Louis' back, but he doesn't sound apologetic in the slightest, and Louis stomps offendedly out of the room.


Thursday is worse though, as Louis tells Liam and Zayn to find somewhere else to fuck about after they find it appropriate to start teasing him about his 'crush' on Harry, and they actually do so - leaving Louis alone to entertain himself which is not very nice at all.

It annoys him quite a bit that he would usually love his days off - he could spend them in bed all day, eating junk, watching movies or throw in the occasional wank, but now he is just bored and restless and he can't wait for it to be Friday night so he can go to the party with Harry - even though the model seemed to despise the idea of doing said thing with Louis, which only makes him more annoyed with this whole thing.


Somehow Louis survives the horrendous waiting time, and he finally finds himself waving goodbye - well throwing up his middle finger - to Zayn and Liam, who are both smirking obnoxiously at him as he turns the ignition and slowly backs out of their parking spot.

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