Chapter Thirteen

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A/N I'm very sorry for not updating earlier, but I am immensely stressed right now. On the bright side I only have one exam left!

Anyways, enjoy!

Louis doesn't get much time to recover from the weekend, as he is required to show up for work on Tuesday - his actual work, not his side-hustle of being a fake boyfriend.

Liam apparently has another collection coming out soon, and since Louis did a proper job of photographing it last time, Liam's management has asked him to do it again and Louis happily complied.

So, around eight o clock in the morning, Louis pulls into the parking lot of the modeling agency - this time without Zayn who is currently working with a different designer - something Louis found very funny, considering his relationship with Liam.

Despite being rather tired, Louis is in a surprisingly good mood on top of the weekend, and the fact that his fake relationship is being perceived as real - after all that is the goal and the road to Louis' next paycheck.

And fine, maybe because the weekend wasn't completely horrible, but actually rather enjoyable despite the slight confusion as to where him and Harry stand now and how much of their relationship is actually real, if any of it.

Louis grabs his gear and heads to the room of the shoot where he quickly assembles everything, lining it up towards the set consisting of different bedroom-setups and several lounge chairs and love seats.

He figures the models are probably getting ready in hair and makeup just down the hall, and he contemplates whether he should go and greet Harry or not - most people on set doesn't know their relationship is fake after all, and it would make it seem a bit more convincing, Louis reasons, already headed towards the models' preparation room.

The door is slightly ajar, but Louis still knocks, as he isn't sure how dressed the people inside are. A female voice tells him to 'come on in, love', and Louis pokes his head through the door, his eyes immediately landing on Harry who's currently scrolling mindlessly through his phone while his hair is filled with small curling-devices Louis has never seen before.

Louis doesn't mean to sneak up on Harry, but as he plants a chaste kiss on the model's cheek, Harry jumps slightly in the chair, clearly having been consumed in his own world. "Hi, my Little Beefy Banana", Louis mumbles into Harry's ear, unable to hide his smile from the stupid nickname.

Harry only raises a skeptical eyebrow at Louis before rolling his eyes and returning to his phone. "Do you have some sort of thing for horrible nicknames?", he asks a second later.
Louis smiles, his face still close to Harry's cheek. "A kink you mean?" Harry huffs at that, but Louis continues with an even wider smile. "No, I don't. But don't pretend like you don't like it, princess."

Another eyeroll, but this time Harry doesn't manage to kill the smile on his lips before Louis sees it, and Louis pokes Harry's dimple lightly with the tip of his nose. "That's what I thought."

Then a makeup artist is shooing Louis out of the way, but suddenly Harry seems to find it appropriate to act like a couple, and he pouts his lips towards Louis before he gets too far away. "Kiss for good luck?"

Louis rolls his eyes fondly, but he doesn't even consider the request for a second, just leans down a pecks Harry's lips lightly, whispering, "You'll look great, princess".

Then the makeup artist is clearing her throat slightly awkwardly, and Louis holds his hands up in mock defense. "I'm leaving", he smiles and walks a couple steps backwards, his eyes locked with Harry's in the mirror, and he almost trips over a stray makeup table, making Harry smile even wider.

Rumors, Rumors, Nothing But Rumors (L.S)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora