Chapter Fifteen

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A/N Here comes the rest of the party chapter. I hope they have a good night...

Louis keeps his arm around Harry's waist for the entirety of the block they have to walk to the club where the party is being hosted. Harry doesn't protest any further, just leans a bit into the touch and lets Louis drag him along, despite his numerous pleads not to go.

The second they turn the corner they're surrounded by blitzing cameras and screaming journalists all competing for their attention. Harry instantly tenses, and Louis tightens his grip around the model's waist, pushing them through the crowd and towards the entrance so he can relieve Harry of the unwanted attention as quickly as possible.

The entrance to the club is surrounded by velvety ropes and guarded by two security guys in black suits. All in all, a whole lot fancier than anything Louis has ever been invited to, and he doesn't really know how he is supposed to act.

Luckily, the security guards immediately recognize Harry, and they greet him professionally. "Mr. Styles. Welcome". Harry only nods in response, still a bit distracted by the number of pictures being taken every second.

Then their gazes shift to Louis, and it's clear they expect him to say something. When he doesn't, one of them interferes. "And you are?" The tone isn't exactly welcoming, and it makes Louis fumble even more, words stumbling out his mouth in an upright mess.

"Ummh. I'm-... name... Louis?"

That doesn't quite seem to convince the security guy of anything, and Louis tries again. "Louis-umm-Tomlinson".

This time the man right in front of him pulls out a list, checks it quickly and then shakes his head. "Not on the list kid. Get lost."

And at that point it's tempting to do as told; Leave, and not embarrass himself further, but then Harry interjects, grabbing Louis' hand as he speaks in a rather commanding tone - not unlike how he spoke to Louis the first time they met. "Well, he is my boyfriend, so you better put him on the list, this instant!".

And Harry might be tall, but the security guards are both taller, broader, and there's two of them, so Louis does not expect the reaction those words entail, as the security guy suddenly becomes bashful and apologetic. "My apologizes, sir... Um sirs. Come on in." And just like that, they're being let in behind the velvety ropes, soon enraptured by darkness, loud music and blinking club lights, a sudden calm compared to the mess outside.

As soon as they're inside, Harry squeezes Louis' hand, leaning closer to drown out the music. "Sorry, Lou. I should have said something earlier. But you know... Paparazzi."

Louis just shakes his head reassuringly and squeezes Harry's hand back. He gets that Harry was overwhelmed with all of the paparazzi and he doesn't need to apologize. Instead, he drags Harry from the foyer they're currently standing in and towards the real party, determined to make this a fun night despite the circumstances.

"Come on, princess. Who knows, you might have fun."

Harry looks rather skeptical but follows Louis into the club none the less.


After rounds and rounds of superficial greetings and empty chatting with celebrities and their companions - all congratulating them on their relationship, Harry is looking just about ready to jump of the nearest cliff, and Louis can't exactly blame him. He is currently wrecking his brain for anything that might entertain Harry, and just then about the hundredth person of the night approaches with the now familiar words, "Oh my god. You're Harry Styles".

This of course leads to Harry putting on another smile - one that Louis can easily disperse as fake, but apparently the older woman they're talking to cannot and she gladly chats on.

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