Chapter Four

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A/N Hi, sorry for taking a few days to update, but I'm honestly just a mess right now.

Anygays, I hope you like it :))

It isn't until Louis gets into his car again, Zayn sleeping open-mouthed against the window in the driver's seat, that he realizes he could get in serious trouble for slapping Harry - as in getting-fired-and-blacklisted-from-ever-working-in-the-industry-again-trouble, but he just couldn't think straight in the moment.

He wakes Zayn a bit unkindly, shaking his shoulder roughly as Louis just wants to go home, a little overwhelmed and confused with everything happening.

Zayn's arm bats at him mindlessly as he wakes with a little yelp, surprised from the sudden wake.

As soon as he wakes up properly, Louis tells him to get driving, as he just wants to go home.

They barely speak in the car, Louis completely encompassed in thoughts and worry - he really can't afford to lose this job and maybe, just maybe, slapping a world-famous model was not the way to go.

It isn't until they're home that Zayn asks about the meeting, Louis groaning and telling him about the entire thing - the offer he got, Harry's reaction, and of course - the small detail of him slapping Harry rather harshly because he was being an absolute bitch.

"You have a fucking death wish, don't you?" Zayn laughs with the admission, convinced that nothing will get Louis fired if the press likes him and Harry together.

Anything for a good image, right?

"Yeah, I'm starting to believe that I do" Louis groans, letting himself fall on their small couch with no intention of moving until he is going to bed tonight, reverencing over the fact that it is only Saturday, meaning he has got an entire day off tomorrow to care for his hangover and prepare himself for another day of work with Harry-fucking-Styles.

Oh, and of course, deciding whether he wants to be Harry's fake boyfriend for a while - meaning he will have to read the contract through, but that is going to have to wait for tomorrow, his hangover and confusing day causing Louis to fall asleep on the couch within half an hour.


In the morning, Louis is feeling a lot better - no longer too worried about losing his job due to Zayn's strong conviction of this not happening, his hungover mellowing out, and the fact that the offer he got seems to be pretty good considering the huge compensation he was offered along with it.

NDA: In signing the contract you, Louis Tomlinson, agree to signing a nondisclosure agreement, limiting you from disclosing the knowledge of the nature of this agreement or anything about the true nature of the relations between you and Harry Styles.

Public relations: The agreement includes several public appearances, number unspecified, this including displays of physical affection such as handholding, kissing and a general display of couple-like behavior.

Press and Social Media: You are by agreement required to take part in various press including, but not limited to, TV-appearances, interviews, photos, and paparazzi shots. By this agreement there is no regulations for usage of personal social media, or what is posted on such.

Time Limit: The agreement runs for an unlimited time, but should you, Harry Styles or representatives for above-mentioned wish to annul the agreement, this shall happen with a two weeks' notice where all of the above-mentioned points must be adhered to.

That's basically it, and even though Louis definitely doesn't want to kiss Harry or act like a couple with him, the terms could be much worse.

Louis might actually end up signing this shit, he thinks as Zayn is reading the contract through over the breakfast table.

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