Chapter Eleven

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A/N "Part Two" of Sunday in New York - I would have written it earlier, but I've been at my girlfriend's for the past few days, and I didn't get to writing...

Aaaaanygays, hope you like it.

There is a table reserved for them at a small café on the corner of two rather calm streets. As they arrive, Louis asks for the table - it should be reserved in his name, and the waiter smiles welcomingly. "Ah, yes. The Tomlinsons. This way".

"Just one Tomlinson", Louis mumbles, his cheeks suddenly turning red for no apparent reason, but the waiter doesn't hear him, and Harry is already dragging him along to the table, their hands still intertwined.

They are placed outside - definitely by Harry's manager's doing, as it's very public - and there's a nice overlook over the slightly busy streets, people rushing from work to dinner at home or somewhere entirely else, the entire rush kind of mesmerizing to look at from a rather silent street corner.

Louis looks over the menu for a minute, trying to decide on the most delicious thing, but there are almost too many options, and he isn't sure what he's in the mood for. Then Harry is leaning his head on Louis' shoulder, lining his mouth up with Louis' ear as he points at the menu and almost shyly mumbles. "I think you'd like that one. I got that the last time I was here".

Louis ignores the butterflies caused by their closeness and ends up coughing awkwardly, making Harry giggle - fucking giggle!

As the waiter arrives, Harry orders for both of them, and they chat mindlessly, joking around as they wait for their food to arrive - something Louis never saw himself doing with Harry just a few weeks ago - hell, a few days ago even.

At one point, Harry is briefly checking his phone, and when he suddenly starts frowning Louis can't help but sneak a look over Harry's shoulder to see what is making him pull a sad face.

There's an article on display - one from a shitty gossip magazine, and according to the rude headline, it's made in relation to the interview they did earlier.

The Daily Update: Out of the closet? Womanizer Harry Styles turns to men and confirms relationship in exclusive interview.

Louis is pretty sure that it's either the 'womanizer' or the confirmation of his sexuality Harry doesn't like to have written out like that, but he silently hopes it's not the boyfriend-part that is making Harry frown.

Louis still doesn't want Harry frowning though, so he reaches around Harry's waist and snatches the phone from his hand.

"Ignore it", Louis says. "Fuck them alright. They don't know you, so it doesn't matter what they have to say about you". Harry nods slightly, fighting to put on a believable smile for Louis, and the older boy doesn't like that, so he adds, "Besides, we're on a date, so you should only be paying attention to me!".

This makes a genuine smile break out on Harry's face, and it is as if a weight is lifted from Louis' shoulders, their friendly mocking and conversation once again flowing easily.

The food arrives, and Harry was right - the dish he recommended is absolutely amazing, and Louis has to compliment Harry repeatedly on his tastebuds and recommendation, and for a hot minute, Louis thinks he sees a blush creep over the model's cheeks.

He honestly can't even recognize the man he met a while back, and that's probably a good thing, as he doesn't feel like punching Harry every other minute. More like kissing him, which reminds him -

"We should kiss", Louis exclaims as he is done chewing. Harry looks about ready to choke on his sip of water.

"What?! Why?"

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