Chapter Six

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A/N I got my driver's license today! Therefore, I would advise all of you to stay inside for the next three weeks while I learn how to properly drive.

Currently Louis is regretting his entire life and every decision that led him to this exact moment.

In particular, he regrets telling Harry's manager about his plans for the night, as that has led to the model pouting in Louis' car with his arms crossed and an uncomfortable silence stretching between them.

Louis is pretty sure Harry is pissed about the fact that they'll be in a 'relationship' from now on, and he really tries not to smile widely at Harry's childlike behavior and dissatisfaction.

"You know princess," Louis begins, and immediately Harry's sour look is trained on him. It doesn't affect Louis though, and he continues, "If we are going to make this believable, you're going to have to act a bit better than this".

Harry huffs and rolls his eyes while he looks ready to choke Louis. "I can act perfectly fine. I just have no intention of wasting nice words on you when no one can see us, considering that you're fucking unbearable."

Louis' smile widens because Harry walked straight into that on. "Yet I'm the one getting paid for even being associated with you".

That results in another glare that would make most people stop dead in their tracks, but Louis mostly finds it entertaining to piss off Harry, and he takes it as a win when there is no rebuttal to his comment.

Louis has no intention of chatting more than necessarily with Harry, so he cranks up the car radio, and soon a quiet pop song plays through the speakers, Louis humming along.

"That's annoying". Harry doesn't even look at Louis when he says the words.


"You're humming. It's annoying".

"Oh", Louis says. He didn't even realize he was doing it, so he cranks up the radio even further, beginning to sing along as off-key as he can possibly manage. Harry rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything.


Due to traffic, getting to the bar takes a while longer than anticipated, but they finally make it, and Louis finds a parking spot about 200 yards away. He turns to Harry with a huge grin, as he says, "Alright princess, time to look like you love me".

"That will be absolutely no problem honeybunch." And just like that, Harry turns on a pretend relaxed grin before opening the door and leaving Louis alone in the car. Hurriedly, Louis follows his lead and steps out with a smile on his face - it isn't even hard to make it convincing, as the picture of Harry's face when Louis sang in the car is still fresh in memory.

They've only walked a few yards on the pavement when Harry slings an arm across Louis' shoulder, almost making the smaller boy stumble with the sheer force used.

Louis wonders for a second what Harry is doing, before he realizes that Harry thinks he can beat Louis at this whole fake-relationship-competition, Harry's facial expression giving his intentions away.

"Oh, it's on", Louis whispers, as he quickly sneaks an arm around Harry's waist, pulling their bodies flush against each other.

A couple minutes later, the two of them are still intertwined as they enter the bar, huge grins on both of their faces, as if one of them just told a great joke.

Louis scans the room and quickly catches sight of their colleagues at a table in the back corner, and he wordlessly directs Harry in the right direction with a squeeze of the model's waist.

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