Chapter Two

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Louis actually makes it through the day with more ease than anticipated - mostly because of his lack of interaction with the devil himself, but also because of Niall - who apparently has plenty of time to crack jokes during the show - making Louis laugh just about every time they pass each other.

When the runway show is done, Louis finds out he indeed needs to turn over all of the photos he's taken that day, but Niall informs him of this in a way calmer manner than Harry did.

"Yeah, you know, it's just to reassure that the pictures aren't leaked before the clothes is out. This is an exclusive show, and the guests like to feel privileged and all that". Niall had rolled his eyes exaggeratedly as he said this, laughing as if it was completely idiotic reasoning. Louis instantaneously liked him even more.

The mood was high backstage, considering the show had been a raging success, the designer - this Liam-guy - raised to a pedestal with all the compliments he received on his 'genius' and 'outrageously creative' new clothesline for both men and women.

Louis only caught a short glimpse of the designer himself, as the runway ended - Liam only waving quickly, barely stepping on the stage, and then disappearing again. Apparently, he is more comfortable behind the scenes, and Louis can't really blame him.

The show being an absolute success furthermore means celebratory drinks tonight - or as Niall described it: Getting dead-drunk with a whole lot of attractive people, and Louis is already looking forward to it.

It would be slightly better if Harry wasn't going to be there, but it should be a big enough party to avoid him. And Louis isn't going to say no to a party with loads of attractive people - and more importantly, attractive men.


After about an hour of packing up and transferring photos - followed by a lot of praise for his skills, Louis finds Zayn to be done as well, and they head home, the party not starting until another two hours from now.

As soon as their apartment door closes behind them, Louis slouches on the couch with a sigh, then sits himself a bit straighter, as Zayn dumps unto the couch as well.

"Alright, ready for at least ten reasons why Harry Styles is an absolute dick, and why I don't like him or ever will?".

"Bring it on," Zayn laughs.

And so, Louis spends roughly half an hour describing his two run-ins with the self-absorbed and despicable model, and despite Zayn repeatedly reassuring him that Harry actually is a good guy when he just gets to know someone, Louis' only response is to roll his eyes harder each time.

Finally, Louis seems to be done ranting, but when he mindlessly opens his Twitter, one of the first things to come up is a thread of Harry out with different people, and so Louis begins again.

"Look at this", he screeches, showing Zayn one of the photos. "He is constantly seen out with different girls and he looks so uninterested! Probably thinks he is too good for them as well".

He doesn't really mind people sleeping around with whoever they want, and maybe he's only pointing it out because it's Harry, and he really wants to find more things not to like about him.

Zayn squints his eyes at the phone, then huffs. "That's his sister, you dumbass".

Louis takes another look at the phone, and alright fine, he can see the resemblance, so he scrolls to another picture, once again pointing the phone towards Zayn. "Alright, alright, then this one!"

A short laugh spills from Zayn's lips, as he huffs out, "That's your sister", prompting Louis to panickily zoom in on the picture, then throw a pillow towards Zayn. "'s not her, you idiot".

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