Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N All right, I'm back from depression and a minor writer's block so let's do this shit one last time!

Louis can't get in touch with Harry, the model simply refuses to respond to anything, that being texts to meet up, unanswered phone calls or Louis showing up at Harry's apartment door which only resulted in an aching body from falling asleep on the harsh floor.

Louis still sleeps with the blanket from Harry's bed though, hugging it tight as if it's a piece of his boy himself. Sometimes Louis will stop dead in his tracks, frozen in place because of a sudden ache rendering him immovable and the only thing bringing him comfort then is that little piece of hope shaped like a blanket.

When it's been a week of self-loathing and sulking at home, hopes of resolution dwindling with every day that goes by, Louis breaks and retorts to connecting with Harry like any desperate fan out there; Reading every single shitty gossip article about the model while tracing soft fingers over the paparazzi pictures that follows.

To no surprise that doesn't exactly help with his pining, especially not since Harry looks uncomfortable in all the pictures some idiot photographer has stolen in a private moment, and that only makes Louis ache even more for the feeling of Harry back in his arms where he belongs.

He doesn't read the articles about their supposed fake relationship or Harry's past though, not able to bear the thought of reveling in what Harry must think of as Louis' betrayal. That hurts too much, a clear reminder of the sheer emotional distance between the two of them. A gaping aperture he isn't sure it's possible building a bridge across, let alone dissolving the cleft.

The pictures make him worry more though, and Louis finds it necessary to beg Liam to check in with the model the next time they are working together. The news is disappointing; Harry didn't even show up, something that Liam asked around about and it's become a usual thing the past week, Harry not showing up whenever Liam or Zayn has to work with him, as if Harry is well aware they'll be reporting back to Louis.

Louis thinks it might be because Harry is doing great without him and is too kind to let his friends see that, despite the fact that he thinks Louis betrayed him. That's at least where Louis' thoughts are swiveling during the many hours he currently spends in bed.

He should look for another job too, but Louis honestly can't bring himself to care about anything but Harry, and Zayn's many attempts to cheer him up comes out fruitlessly.

There's only one thing left for Louis to do; Show up at work himself and force Harry to talk to him. He might not listen, but then Louis will at least know he did his best. Though up until now Liam's and Zayn's skepticism has kept him from this approach. "You're not really in Harry's nor any manager's favor right now and they might even call the police for trespassing or something", Zayn had told him when Louis was about to flit out the door for the hundredth time this week.

However, Louis has reached a point of desperation that renders him indifferent now. He just needs to talk to Harry - hell, just see him in real life.


It's Friday, and today is the time for Louis' final plead for Harry to listen to him. It all seems like a great idea when he wakes up, but his determination falters when Louis realizes he will have to get out of bed in order to go through with it. Ugh.

Somehow, he manages to get up - something that he has barely done this past week, take a shower and even eat a bit of breakfast. Neither Zayn nor Liam has work today, and that was exactly Louis' plan, as he hopes this means Harry will show up.

He takes forever getting ready after his shower - a mixture of his zombie-like state and dread for the day to come. He'd never admit it fully, but Louis is terrified that this will be the last time he is ever going to talk to Harry and he can't quite comprehend nor accept it.

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