Chapter Seven

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A/N I would have updated earlier but I didn't write anything because I was in fact watching Netflix and procrastinating.

Louis didn't even notice that they were photographed yesterday - not only at the bar, but walking on the sidewalk, Harry's arm slung casually around his shoulders.

Louis has even less of a clue to how the unknown photographer made them look so in love.

In the pictures from the sidewalk, Louis is smirking at Harry, his hand seemingly on its way underneath Harry's shirt - it wasn't - and somehow the model's fake smile passes as genuine through the lens, making them look like a couple very much smitten with each other.

The pictures from the bar are worse though - or better, depending on who is looking at them, and Louis can imagine this is exactly what Harry's team had in mind for their fake relationship. There might be around ten photos in the first article Louis clicked on, and as he scrolls through, him and Harry seems to be getting closer and closer, their hands displayed exploring the other's body.

A hand on a thigh, tugged into a head of curls or sneaking up the back of a shirt - and of course, one of Harry's mouth beside Louis' ear.

Oh well, Louis thinks. The pictures might be great, but it was nothing but a game to annoy each other as much as possible - and besides, Louis realizes, this is what he will be getting paid for, so it's for the best that the pictures make him look in love, instead of ready to strangle Harry every other moment.

There are a few articles up already - the one Louis clicked on first only consisting of pictures, and he manages to catch a few headlines.

The Celebrity Spot: Mystery guy reappears! Who is Harry Styles dating?

Gossip Weekly: Even more pictures! Harry Styles flaunting new boyfriend.

ALL INCLUSIVE: Sexual tension in public? You know it - Harry Styles is at it again!

The News Flash: See the pictures - Model Styles out with friends!

The Daily Update: Harry Styles seen with the same person on his arm more than once - Miracles never ceases!

The last one pisses Louis off a bit - that has nothing to do with Harry and everything to do with the rude statement. So, what if Harry dates a lot of people? That's nobody's but his business, and besides, most of the people Harry has been spotted with has been nothing but friends.

Hell, him and Harry aren't even that, and they're pretending to be dating.

Hurriedly, Louis closes the tabs on his phone, trying to cool the sudden rush of anger in his blood, deciding on fetching him and Zayn some breakfast instead.

He isn't really hungover, considering he spent more time messing with Harry last night than he did drinking, and right now he is pretty grateful for that, as he could not deal with a headache or nausea at the moment.

Half an hour later Louis has picked up fresh baked bread from the baker just down the street, made coffee, and managed to get a rather grumpy Zayn out of bed. Within ten minutes Zayn has turned more chipper though - probably due to the cup of coffee he chugged, and out of nowhere he says, "Hey Lou. Would it be like weird or something if I slept with Liam?"

Louis almost sputters half-chewed bread all over before he manages to control himself. "W-what?!" That's all he gets out, taken aback from the out of context question.

"Liam. Me. Sex. Weird?", Zayn slowly says, explaining it like Louis is some kind of stupid caveman, and his hand hits Zayn's shoulder, as he answers. "I know what you fucking mean, you idiot. And no, not weird, just stupid considering it's your boss. Besides, where is this coming from?"

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