Chapter Nineteen

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A/N They're going on a date!!

Louis texts Zayn to let him know that he won't t be home and then he gets into Harry's car with instructions for the model to drive home. They arrive in front of Harry's apartment complex fifteen minutes later, and Louis waits nervously in the car as Harry takes a quick shower and gets changed into something more comfortable.

As Harry returns to the car, he hands over the keys to Louis with a smile. "Surprise me". And that is certainly what Louis intends to do, but first they make a quick stop at his and Zayn's apartment, Louis telling Harry to close his eyes and wait for him to return.

Harry complies, and after a few minutes he can hear the trunk of the car opening and Louis cursing when he hits his head on something. Then Louis is back in the car, and Harry asks if he is allowed to open his eyes. Louis nods, but then realizes that Harry can't see him, and he hurriedly adds, "Yeah, yeah sure".

They chat mindlessly for another ten minutes while Louis steers the car away from the city, Harry continuously trying to pry as to where they're going, Louis refusing to indulge him for once.

"Just give me a hint".


"Pleeeaaassseee, Lou".

"That's not going to work, Harry".

"You could at least let me know where we're going, so I know you're not taking me somewhere isolated to murder me".

"Cooome on, Haz. I promised I wouldn't do that".

Playful bickering like this makes Louis feel a whole lot better than he has in days, and he honestly doesn't know how he survived without this kind of relationship with Harry, neither before they met or during their short fall-out, and now he is determined not to fuck it up again, starting with a hopefully perfect first-real-date.

And this means continuing to keep their destination a secret from Harry, so about five minutes later Louis pulls over and leans to the backseat where he shuffles around for a bit to grab a scarf from his work bag.

"Can you put this on?", he asks, holding up the piece of fabric imitating a blindfold. "I want it to be a surprise".

"Hmm, kinky", Harry hums in reply, taking the scarf with a smile and tying it around his head with smooth movements. "Alright, let's go get this drive over with before the curiosity kills me".


Fifteen minutes and several complaints from Harry later, the car finally comes to a halt, and Harry's hand goes to rip off the blindfold immediately, Louis' hands quickly restraining both of the model's wrist before he can do so.

"Not yet," he laughs, Harry groaning impatiently. "Then hurry up, Lou".

Laughingly Louis opens the door in his side, convincing Harry to keep the blindfold on till Louis returns. "It won't take long, I promise".

"Fiiiiinnneee", is the last thing Louis hears before closing the car door and hurrying to the trunk in order to get everything set up before Harry loses patience, cheats and removes the blindfold.


It takes about two minutes to set up everything, and when Louis returns, he can hear Harry through the open windows of the car - humming along to the radio, Louis stopping for just a second to look at Harry compliantly sitting with his hands in his lap, blindfold in place and slowly bopping his head to the beat of the song.

"Alright, Rockstar", Louis smiles as he opens the door for Harry, the model jumping with surprise from Louis' sudden appearance. "Jesus, give me a warning next time. I can't see you coming, Lou. Do I need to keep the blindfold on?". The last words are added in a more questioning than blaming tone, and Louis tells him yes, ignoring the rest of his words with a small smile on his lips.

Rumors, Rumors, Nothing But Rumors (L.S)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ