Chapter One

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FUCKING HARRY STYLES! And no, that is not a to-do list. It's an adequate description of the most annoyingly self-indulgent human being, Louis Tomlinson has ever met, and those were his first thoughts when he laid eyes on the guy.

Alright, in all honesty, the first thing that popped into Louis' head upon meeting Harry Styles in person was perhaps something more along the lines of: 'HARRY FUCKING STYLES! Oh my lord, he's even hotter in person! Be cool, be cool. Jesus, I'm so gay...'

But then Harry opened his big fat mouth, and the spell was broken instantaneously, instead revealing the true obnoxious and self-centered nature of the celebrity.


Louis had started his day out extremely excited, as his roommate and best friend, Zayn, had scored him a job as a photographer at the runway show he was walking at today.

And even better, Harry Styles - currently one of the most sought-after models in the world - would be there as well.

It's possible that Louis had been crushing a teeny tiny bit on the younger boy since his college days when Harry first started appearing on the covers of various magazines.

However, in the later years, Harry had gotten some rather bad press, presenting him as a bit rude, self-absorbed, and even slightly snobby. Louis didn't take it too seriously though, knowing how the press would spin a story exactly the way it was thought to get the most attention.

He knows this firsthand as a photographer, even though he mostly works privately, but once in a blue moon he has done publicity stunts to pay rent - especially through his university years. Which is why he is ever so grateful that Zayn scored him a job at this runway show, it could really get a move on his career.

And he is going to meet Harry Styles.

Zayn knows the model pretty well, considering they've worked together quite a few times, and he says Harry is a pretty good guy, so maybe Louis' expectations are a bit all over the place, as he tries to decide on the perfect outfit that screams 'I'm casual but I'm simultaneously insanely hot and dressed appropriately.'

"Please don't embarrass me", Zayn laughs from the door frame, just dressed in sweats and a hoodie, black and half-long hair framing his face messily - effortlessly chic without even trying, considering he will be getting dressed and styled when they arrive at the show.

"As if! I'm cool. Real cool". Louis laughs, supporting his statement with flowy arm-movements that only result in a lifted eyebrow from Zayn, as he informs Louis that he has got fifteen minutes to get ready before they're leaving.

Surprisingly, Louis is good to go on time, dressed in a gray turtleneck sweater with a black blazer and matching pants, his brown hair thrown into a stylish quiff and his camera gear packed neatly in a big bag, as Zayn locks their flat door behind them, Louis even more excited now.

"So, this Liam guy? The designer. Is he any good?" Louis asks as he fumbles with the car keys and turns on the vehicle, Zayn eyeing his cuticles skeptically. Louis doesn't really care, he just wants time to pass faster, so he can meet his teenage crush.

And well maybe you could say it's his current celebrity crush as well.

"Um yeah. He's new to the scene, but everyone already knows who Liam Payne is. I'm guessing that means he's good", Zayn replies casually.

"Hmm", is the only answer from Louis who is now more focused on following the directions spilling from the GPS, careful not to make them late by taking a wrong turn.

They make it with about half an hour to spare, parting ways as Zayn heads to hair and makeup while Louis is looking for the coordinator - a Neil-something-something. The show doesn't start for another two hours, but he wants to seem like the professional he is, and get his gear ready early.

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