»when you're covered in tattoos.

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-finds it really attractive.
-likes to trace them when you're cuddling.
-he thinks they make you look really cool, lowkey wants one himself but could never.
-your tattoos are one of the features he admires of you the most as they make you stand out.
-lowkey makes him flustered, your tattoos are one of his favourite things about you so when you wear short sleeves, he can never stop staring.

-isn't really phased by them.
-finds them really normal and just thinks they're a part of who you are.
-asks about the meanings to why you got some of them, turns into deep conversations.
-really loves the look of them.
-loves when they're on show.
-feels as if it makes your relationship together really mature.

-lowkey makes him shy as they seem quite intimidating to him.
-questions them all the time, wondering why you got them, when you had them done, the meaning behind them etc...
-like to touch them and ask if it hurts.
-hands you a pen and tells him to recreate one of yours on his skin.

-makes him quite overwhelmed as there's so many of them.
-you're both so young do he questions how you got so many at such a young age, and how you even got the money for that many.
-rubs his hands over them while cuddling.
-he finds them so fascinating, looking at the close details of every single one.

-he gets really shy and flustered because of them as it makes you seem alot more mature.
-likes to colour them in with felt tip pens.
-literally never stops talking about them.
-wants you to draw on him pretending he has tattoos as well.
-admires them, questions alot.
-curious to who let you have tattoos at such a young age.

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