»when you're a lot shorter than them.

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-can't keep his eyes off you, finds you so adorable.
-makes him flustered, he gets very giddy when he stands beside you.
-never leaves you alone, lowkey protects you but tries not to make it obvious.
-is more confident because he feels alot more comfortable around you as others make him a little intimidated and shy.

-feels like it's his job to protect you, always keeps you in sight, worried something might happen to you.
-tries not to make a big deal of your height as he knows you can't control it.
-can't take you serious when you're angry.
-doesn't like to point it out too much, but finds you absolutely adorable, and admires your cuteness when you aren't looking.

-teases the fuck out if you, finds it hilarious, but so cute that you're short.
-babies you alot and does everything for you.
-keeps you by his side.
-feels as though he's much more mature and older just because he's much taller than you.
-sometimes makes you slightly angry on purpose just to see his tiny girlfriend act super angry when in reality you look adorable, but obviously apologises and laughs with you as he was just joking.

-doesn't like to point it out as doesn't want to make you feel bad about yourself, tries to make you feel better by complimenting you on it, calling you cute or expressing the positive side of being short.
-admires you when you aren't looking.
-lowkey likes when you can't reach things as that allows him come and help you.
-will do anything and everything for you, whether thats get things from high places, guide you through large crowds or just be there for you when you get intimidated by giant world around you.

-lowkey teases you about it but doesn't really acknowledge your height as it doesn't define you as a person.
-loves to help you out with things, will drop anything just to help you and be there for you.
-calls you cute often.
-lowkey makes him blush and makes him kind of shy, tries to hide it though.
-protects you and watches over you, making sure you don't get hurt.

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