»when you share a bed together for the first time.

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-literally the shyest he's ever been, stutters loads when talking to you leading up to the moment you get in bed.
-tries to calm himself as much as possible by not overthinking it and talking to you loads to keep him comfortable.
-he originally got in bed the furthest away from you because he didn't want to take up all the room, but you whined and nagged him a little because you wanted him closer, so he shuffled a little to the centre allowing you to cuddle into him.
-obviously you were nervous as well, but you've cuddled in bed together before and one of you had fallen asleep too, so you didn't feel it was going to be any different to that.
-he was a lot more relaxed once you'd been in bed for a little while, you were quietly talking while cuddled up together, but before you know, you were soon both in a deep sleep.

//YEONJUN//-he wasn't too nervous about getting in bed with you because you've cuddled loads of times before, and you are quite a touchy and affectionate couple so he didn't find it too different to just cuddling and being in each others presence

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-he wasn't too nervous about getting in bed with you because you've cuddled loads of times before, and you are quite a touchy and affectionate couple so he didn't find it too different to just cuddling and being in each others presence.
-he made sure you were completely comfortable before anything, he'd every now and then ask you if you were in a comfortable position and if you were okay just to make sure.
-you watched a movie together while you cuddled with the lights off, as it made it feel a lot more natural and calming for the both of you.
-you'd pause the movie to talk loads in between, and even after the movie you cuddled and quietly talked to each other before you both said goodnight and fell asleep.

-you'd pause the movie to talk loads in between, and even after the movie you cuddled and quietly talked to each other before you both said goodnight and fell asleep

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-he came off quite confident and relaxed, but on the inside he was really nervous.
-from overthinking the night ahead, he was more clingy and playful with you leading up to the moment you actually got in bed together, and that's because he thought it would make it more natural and comfortable when you actually got in bed together, and it did.
-you were pretty scared but his 'confidence' made you calm and feel a lot more safe with him.
-as soon as you got in bed, he pulled you into chest and played with your hair.
-you talked a lot and laughed about everything, but you both went on your phones every now and then because that's what you'd usually do anyway.
-when it got pretty late, he asked if you wanted to sleep, which you both put your phones down and cuddled as you drifted off.

//TAEHYUN//-he was really nervous and it showed, he didn't overthink it or anything he just had general nerves which he couldn't control

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-he was really nervous and it showed, he didn't overthink it or anything he just had general nerves which he couldn't control.
-you'd brushed your teeth together and got some water for beside your bed, when you got in he gave you a lot of the space, but eventually you'd get closer and closer to each other.
-you were talking while facing each other with your legs tangled, as the conversation went on, every so often one of you would go on your phone to show the other something relating to your conversation.
-you both grew way more comfortable with each other as time when on, and it actually brought you closer to one another.
-when you both decided to go to sleep he cuddled you from behind as you drifted off.

//HUENINGKAI//-before you actually got in bed together, you talked about how you were a little nervous to him, and he agreed that he was too, but you both reassured each other that it was going to be fine

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-before you actually got in bed together, you talked about how you were a little nervous to him, and he agreed that he was too, but you both reassured each other that it was going to be fine.
-due to you both being open with each other about your nerves and worries, you felt way more comfortable knowing you weren't the only one, you got in bed with each other and straight away decided to put a movie on to fill the quietness in the room.
-you cuddled and talked over the movie and actually had a lot of great conversations, both funny and deep.
-eventually you ended up finishing the movie even though you hadn't been watching half of it, you turned off the tv and slowly fell asleep in each others arms.

-eventually you ended up finishing the movie even though you hadn't been watching half of it, you turned off the tv and slowly fell asleep in each others arms

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