»when you get into an arguement.

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-his voice slowly gets louder and louder, but when he realises how aggressive he's being with you, he'll suddenly stop talking and sigh from frustration.
-talks alot, trying to make you understand his opinion/side of the story.
-is more angry than upset, as he's too worked up to feel guilty for being verbally aggressive towards you.
-gives up in the end and leaves so he can think it through, also giving you guys space to calm down.
-he'll come back like 10 minutes later as he completely regrets what he said, but also really misses you, you'll talk it out and laugh at how silly you both were being.
-you give each other lots of soft kisses and long cuddles, both being super clingy while you sweet talk each other.

-out of respect, he stays quiet while you're speaking, but straight after he'll tell you his side of it with a stern voice, so you understand he's being serious.
-he stops the argument after a while and tells you that you guys should talk it out when you're both calm, so you stay in each others company doing your own thing, just not really speaking to each other.
-you later talk it out, being quiet while one another's speaking, listening carefully to what they have to say and understanding where each other's coming from, all while sitting closely with your hands resting on each others body.
-when it's all finally talked through, he gives you a kiss before a long hug, and you spend the rest of the day as you would usually, just with extra love and affection.

-kind of childish at the start but the longer it goes, the more serious he gets.
-tries to compromise with you but when you begin to disagree, he starts to get really upset, almost a little teary.
-gives in and tells you that you're right, even though he doesn't actually agree.
-clings onto you straight away, gives you a cuddle while trying not to cry, his face puffs a little and his eyes go red.
-you see the sad look on his face and realise he's about to cry, you'll tell him how much you love him while apologising over and over as you bring him into another hug, planting several kisses on his head and cheek.
-you cuddle together while watching a movie, being completely inseparable as all you want is to be in each others arms.

-is very stubborn, he'll give his opinion and tries to make you understand, but when you don't, he just completely gives up.
-will go lie down on the sofa while thinking what you said, trying to see both sides of the situation.
-you'll go see him after about an hour, you sit down beside him and apologise, while telling him that you see where he was coming from, to which he sits up and apologises too.
-he'll still have a small grudge towards you but that's because he stands by what he says.
-you ask for a hug which he gives you, with a gentle kiss on your cheek.
-it takes another hour or two for things to settle completely as he's still quite worked up, but afterwards you have a long cuddle and a few kisses to make up for the few hours of not having any.

-is quite sensible about it, will let you speak without interrupting before he tells you his views and opinions.
-it takes a long time of talking and discussion before you both come to an agreement.
-you settle things quite sensibly as you both want to get the conversation out of the way, instead of getting angry, then coming back to speak about it for a second time.
-you laugh a little afterwards as you feel as though you both had a massive discussion about something so serious, even though it was not too big of a deal.
-he opens his arms for a hug, which you throw your body into his while giggling, happy to finally be in his arms again.
-you talk and joke around as normal again, pretty much straight after, giving each other lots of playful kisses.

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